
Alessandro Sona

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3EEMatteo Bertocco, Giovanni Gamba, Alessandro Sona, Federico Tramarin: Investigating wireless networks coexistence issues through an interference aware simulator. ETFA 2008: 1153-1156
2EEMatteo Bertocco, Giovanni Gamba, Alessandro Sona: Is CSMA/CA really efficient against interference in a wireless control system? An experimental answer. ETFA 2008: 885-892
1EEStefano Vitturi, Iacopo Carreras, Daniele Miorandi, Luca Schenato, Alessandro Sona: Experimental Evaluation of an Industrial Application Layer Protocol Over Wireless Systems. IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics 3(4): 275-288 (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Matteo Bertocco [2] [3]
2Iacopo Carreras [1]
3Giovanni Gamba [2] [3]
4Daniele Miorandi [1]
5Luca Schenato [1]
6Federico Tramarin [3]
7Stefano Vitturi [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)