2008 |
4 | | Michael Soden,
Hajo Eichler:
Ansatz zur Metamodellierung mit Verhalten und dessen Anwendungen.
Modellierung 2008: 243-247 |
2007 |
3 | EE | Olaf Kath,
Marc Born,
Michael Soden:
Repository based Infrastructures for effective Automotive Software Creation - an Experience Report.
COMPSAC (2) 2007: 642-650 |
2 | | Michael Soden,
Hajo Eichler:
An Approach to use Executable Models for Testing.
EMISA 2007: 75-85 |
2003 |
1 | EE | Olaf Kath,
Michael Soden,
Marc Born,
Tom Ritter,
Andrei Blazarenas,
Motohisa Funabashi,
Chiaki Hirai:
An Open Modeling Infrastructure integrating EDOC and CCM.
EDOC 2003: 198-207 |