2007 |
17 | EE | Olaf Kath,
Marc Born,
Michael Soden:
Repository based Infrastructures for effective Automotive Software Creation - an Experience Report.
COMPSAC (2) 2007: 642-650 |
2004 |
16 | EE | Olaf Kath,
Andrei Blazarenas,
Marc Born,
Klaus-Peter Eckert,
Motohisa Funabashi,
Chiaki Hirai:
Towards Executable Models: Transforming EDOC Behavior Models to CORBA and BPEL.
EDOC 2004: 267-274 |
15 | EE | Marc Born,
Ina Schieferdecker,
Olaf Kath,
Chiaki Hirai:
Combining System Development and System Test in a Model-Centric Approach.
RISE 2004: 132-143 |
2003 |
14 | EE | Olaf Kath,
Michael Soden,
Marc Born,
Tom Ritter,
Andrei Blazarenas,
Motohisa Funabashi,
Chiaki Hirai:
An Open Modeling Infrastructure integrating EDOC and CCM.
EDOC 2003: 198-207 |
13 | EE | Tom Ritter,
Marc Born,
Thomas Unterschütz,
Torben Weis:
A QoS Metamodel and its Realization in a CORBA Component Infrastructure.
HICSS 2003: 318 |
12 | | Tom Ritter,
Marc Born:
Rapid engineering of collaborative and adaptive multimedia systems on top of CORBA Components.
KiVS Kurzbeiträge 2003: 39-44 |
11 | | Robert Hirschfeld,
Marc Born:
MDA Intra-Level Model Conversions and Transformation Models.
Middleware Workshops 2003: 297-299 |
2001 |
10 | EE | Eckhardt Holz,
Olaf Kath,
Marc Born:
Manufacturing Software Components from Object-Oriented Design Models.
EDOC 2001: 262-272 |
9 | EE | Fabrice Dubois,
Marc Born,
Harald Böhme,
Joachim Fischer,
Eckhardt Holz,
Olaf Kath,
Bertram Neubauer,
Frank Stoinski:
Distributed Systems: From Models to Components.
SDL Forum 2001: 250-267 |
2000 |
8 | | Marc Born,
Ina Schieferdecker,
Mang Li:
Test Framework for Component-Based Systems.
ICDCS Workshop on Distributed System Validation and Verification 2000: E75-E78 |
7 | | Joachim Fischer,
Olaf Kath,
Marc Born:
TINA-ODL and Component Based Design.
OOIS 2000: 131-140 |
6 | EE | Marc Born,
Eckhardt Holz,
Olaf Kath:
A Method for the Design and Development of Distributed Applications Using UML.
TOOLS (37) 2000: 253-265 |
1999 |
5 | | Marc Born,
Andreas Hoffmann,
Mang Li,
Ina Schieferdecker:
Combining Design Methods for Service Development (Short Paper).
FMOODS 1999 |
4 | | Theofanis Vassiliou-Gioles,
Ina Schieferdecker,
Marc Born,
Mario Winkler,
Mang Li:
Configuration and Execution Support for Distributed Tests.
IWTCS 1999: 61-76 |
3 | | Nils Fischbeck,
Marc Born,
Andreas Hoffmann,
Mario Winkler,
Gregor Baudis,
Harald Böhme,
Joachim Fischer:
SDL enhancements and application for the design of distributed services.
SDL Forum 1999: 83-64 |
1998 |
2 | | Joachim Fischer,
Nils Fischbeck,
Marc Born:
SDL und ODL im Entwicklungsprozess von Telekommunikationssystemen.
FBT 1998: x-xxv |
1 | EE | Marc Born,
Andreas Hoffmann:
An Object-Oriented Design Methodology for Distributed Services.
TOOLS (28) 1998: 52-64 |