
Kenny Smith

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7EEKenny Smith, Andrew D. M. Smith, Richard A. Blythe, Paul Vogt: Cross-Situational Learning: A Mathematical Approach. EELC 2006: 31-44
6EEKenny Smith, James R. Hurford: Language Evolution in Populations: Extending the Iterated Learning Model. ECAL 2003: 507-516
5EEKenny Smith: Learning Biases for the Evolution of Linguistic Structure: An Associative Network Model. ECAL 2003: 517-524
4 Kenny Smith, Simon Kirby, Henry Brighton: Iterated Learning: A Framework for the Emergence of Language. Artificial Life 9(4): 371-386 (2003)
3EEHenry Brighton, Simon Kirby, Kenny Smith: Situated Cognition and the Role of Multi-agent Models in Explaining Language Structure. Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agents Systems 2002: 88-109
2EEKenny Smith: The cultural evolution of communication in a population of neural networks. Connect. Sci. 14(1): 65-84 (2002)
1EEKenny Smith: The Importance of Rapid Cultural Convergence in the Evolution of Learned Symbolic Communication. ECAL 2001: 637-640

Coauthor Index

1Richard A. Blythe [7]
2Henry Brighton [3] [4]
3James R. Hurford [6]
4Simon Kirby [3] [4]
5Andrew D. M. Smith [7]
6Paul Vogt [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)