
Andrew D. M. Smith

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4EEKenny Smith, Andrew D. M. Smith, Richard A. Blythe, Paul Vogt: Cross-Situational Learning: A Mathematical Approach. EELC 2006: 31-44
3EEAndrew D. M. Smith: Semantic Generalisation and the Inference of Meaning. ECAL 2003: 499-506
2 Andrew D. M. Smith: Intelligent Meaning Creation in a Clumpy World Helps Communication. Artificial Life 9(2): 175-190 (2003)
1EEAndrew D. M. Smith: Establishing Communication Systems without Explicit Meaning Transmission. ECAL 2001: 381-390

Coauthor Index

1Richard A. Blythe [4]
2Kenny Smith [4]
3Paul Vogt [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)