
Jeff Smith

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9EEMunir Mandviwalla, Abhijit Jain, Julie Fesenmaier, Jeff Smith, Paul Weinberg, Greg Meyers: Municipal broadband wireless networks. Commun. ACM 51(2): 72-80 (2008)
8EEJeff Smith, Jeremy Long, Tanya Lung, Mohd M. Anwar, Sriram Subramanian: PaperSpace: a system for managing digital and paper documents. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 1343-1348
7EEChad D. Mano, Jeff Smith, Bill Bordogna, Aaron Striegel: High Speed Packet Logging on a Budget. Networking 2006: 501-512
6EEChad D. Mano, Jeff Smith, Bill Bordogna, Andrew Matta, Dan Dugovic, Aaron Striegel: CLog: Low Cost Gigabit Full Packet Logging. JCM 1(7): 17-23 (2006)
5 Charalambos L. Iacovou, Jeff Smith, Ronald Thompson: The Linkage Between Reporting Quality and Performance in Information Systems Projects. ICIS 2005
4EEJeff Smith: LabDisplay: bringing computer lab management into the new millennium. SIGUCCS 2005: 343-348
3EEJoe Loiacono, Andy Germain, Jeff Smith: Network performance measurements for NASA's Earth Observation System. Computer Networks 46(3): 299-320 (2004)
2 Jeff Smith: Privacy Policies and Practices: Inside the Organizational Maze. Commun. ACM 36(12): 104-122 (1993)
1EEStuart Reges, John McGrory, Jeff Smith: The effective use of undergraduates to staff large introductory CS courses. SIGCSE 1988: 22-25

Coauthor Index

1Mohd M. Anwar [8]
2Bill Bordogna [6] [7]
3Dan Dugovic [6]
4Julie Fesenmaier [9]
5Andy Germain [3]
6Charalambos L. Iacovou [5]
7Abhijit Jain [9]
8Joe Loiacono [3]
9Jeremy Long [8]
10Tanya Lung [8]
11Munir Mandviwalla [9]
12Chad D. Mano [6] [7]
13Andrew Matta [6]
14John McGrory [1]
15Greg Meyers [9]
16Stuart Reges [1]
17Aaron Striegel [6] [7]
18Sriram Subramanian [8]
19Ronald Thompson [5]
20Paul Weinberg [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)