
Kenneth R. Sloan

Kenneth R. Sloan Jr., Kenneth Sloan

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9EEJason Freund, Kenneth R. Sloan: Accelerated volume rendering using homogeneous region encoding. IEEE Visualization 1997: 191-196
8 John K. Johnstone, Kenneth R. Sloan: A Philosophy for Smooth Contour Reconstruction. Geometric Modelling 1996: 153-163
7EEJohn K. Johnstone, Kenneth R. Sloan: Tensor Product Surfaces Guided by Minimal Surface Area Triangulations. IEEE Visualization 1995: 254-
6EEDavid Meyers, Shelley Skinner, Kenneth R. Sloan: Surfaces from Contours. ACM Trans. Graph. 11(3): 228-258 (1992)
5EEKenneth R. Sloan, James Painter: Pessimal Guesses may be Optimal: A Counterintuitive Search Result. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 10(6): 949-955 (1988)
4 Kenneth R. Sloan Jr.: Comments on "A Computer Algorithm for Calculating the Product AB Modulo M". IEEE Trans. Computers 34(3): 290-292 (1985)
3 Kenneth R. Sloan Jr.: Dynamically Quantized Pyramids. IJCAI 1981: 734-736
2 Peter G. Selfridge, Kenneth R. Sloan Jr.: Reasoning About Images: Application to Aerial Image Understanding. IJCAI 1981: 755-757
1 Kenneth R. Sloan Jr., Steven L. Tanimoto: Progressive Refinement of Raster Images. IEEE Trans. Computers 28(11): 871-874 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1Jason Freund [9]
2John K. Johnstone [7] [8]
3David Meyers [6]
4James Painter [5]
5Peter G. Selfridge [2]
6Shelley Skinner [6]
7Steven L. Tanimoto [1]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)