
Andrew Sixsmith

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8EENick A. Hine, Andrew Judson, Saqib Ashraf, John L. Arnott, Andrew Sixsmith, Steve Brown, Paul Garner: Modelling the Behaviour of Elderly People as a Means of Monitoring Well Being. User Modeling 2005: 241-250
7EEMartin D. Beer, Richard Hill, Andrew Sixsmith: Deploying an agent-based architecture for the management of community care. AAMAS 2003: 932-933
6EEKen Lunn, Andrew Sixsmith, Ann Lindsay, Marja Vaarama: Modelling Telecare Service Requirements for Older People Using the Unified Modelling Language. CAiSE Short Paper Proceedings 2003
5EEMartin D. Beer, Richard Hill, Wei Huang, Andrew Sixsmith: An agent-based architecture for managing the provision of community care - the INCA (Intelligent Community Alarm) experience. AI Commun. 16(3): 179-192 (2003)
4EEKen Lunn, Andrew Sixsmith, Ann Lindsay, Marja Vaarama: Traceability in requirements through process modelling, applied to social care applications. Information & Software Technology 45(15): 1045-1052 (2003)
3 Martin D. Beer, Gillian Armitt, Johanna van Bruggen, Ramon Daniels, Ludo Ghyselen, Sharon Green, Jan Sandqvist, Andrew Sixsmith: Running a European Internet School - OTIS at Work. ICALT 2001: 413-414
2EEMartin D. Beer, Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon, Andrew Sixsmith: Dialogue Management in a Virtual College. DEXA 1999: 521-530
1 Martin D. Beer, Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon, Andrew Sixsmith: The Delivery of Effective Integrated Community Care with the Aid of Agents. ICSC 1999: 393-398

Coauthor Index

1Gillian Armitt [3]
2John L. Arnott [8]
3Saqib Ashraf [8]
4Martin D. Beer [1] [2] [3] [5] [7]
5Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon [1] [2]
6Steve Brown [8]
7Johanna van Bruggen [3]
8Ramon Daniels [3]
9Paul Garner [8]
10Ludo Ghyselen [3]
11Sharon Green [3]
12Richard Hill [5] [7]
13Nick A. Hine [8]
14Wei Huang [5]
15Andy Judson (Andrew Judson) [8]
16Ann Lindsay [4] [6]
17Ken Lunn [4] [6]
18Jan Sandqvist [3]
19Marja Vaarama [4] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)