
Man-Hung Siu

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10EEFrancis Y. L. Chin, Henry C. M. Leung, Man-Hung Siu, Siu-Ming Yiu: Optimal Algorithm for Finding DNA Motifs with Nucleotide Adjacent Dependency. APBC 2008: 343-352
9EEIvan Bulyko, Mari Ostendorf, Man-Hung Siu, Tim Ng, Andreas Stolcke, Özgür Çetin: Web resources for language modeling in conversational speech recognition. TSLP 5(1): (2007)
8EEYiu-Pong Lai, Man-Hung Siu: Consistent Modeling of the Static and Time-Derivative Cepstrums for Speech Recognition Using HSPTM. ISCSLP 2006: 303-314
7EEKa-Yee Leung, Man-Hung Siu: Articulatory-feature-based confidence measures. Computer Speech & Language 20(4): 542-562 (2006)
6EEChak-Fai Li, Man-Hung Siu, Jeff Siu-Kei Au-Yeung: Recursive likelihood evaluation and fast search algorithm for polynomial segment model with application to speech recognition. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 14(5): 1704-1718 (2006)
5EEMan-Hung Siu, Arthur Chan: A Robust Viterbi Algorithm Against Impulsive Noise With Application to Speech Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 14(6): 2122-2133 (2006)
4EEArthur Chan, Man-Hung Siu: Efficient computation of the frame-based extended union model and its application in speech recognition against partial temporal corruptions. Computer Speech & Language 19(3): 301-319 (2005)
3 Yiu-Pong Lai, Man-Chun Hui, Chi-Wah Kok, Man-Hung Siu: Speech recognition enhancement by psychoacoustic modeled noise suppression. ICME 2004: 1335-1338
2EEKa-Yee Leung, Man-Hung Siu: Integration of acoustic and articulatory information with application to speech recognition. Information Fusion 5(2): 141-151 (2004)
1EEPui-Fung Wong, Man-Hung Siu: Integration of Tone Related Feature for Chinese Speech Recognition. ICMI 2002: 64-68

Coauthor Index

1Jeff Siu-Kei Au-Yeung [6]
2Ivan Bulyko [9]
3Özgür Çetin [9]
4Arthur Chan [4] [5]
5Francis Y. L. Chin [10]
6Man-Chun Hui [3]
7Chi-Wah Kok [3]
8Yiu-Pong Lai [3] [8]
9Henry C. M. Leung [10]
10Ka-Yee Leung [2] [7]
11Chak-Fai Li [6]
12Tim Ng [9]
13Mari Ostendorf [9]
14Andreas Stolcke [9]
15Pui-Fung Wong [1]
16Siu-Ming Yiu [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)