
Pradeep Kumar Sinha

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5 Pradeep Kumar Sinha, Mamoru Maekawa: Flexible User-Definable Performance of Name Resolution Operation in Distributed File Systems. SPDP 1993: 661-664
4 Pradeep Kumar Sinha, Mamoru Maekawa, Kentaro Shimizu: Improving the Reliability of Name Resolution Mechanism in Distributed Operating Systems. ICDCS 1992: 589-596
3 Pradeep Kumar Sinha, Hyo Ashihara, Kentaro Shimizu, Mamoru Maekawa: Flexible User-Definable Memory Coherence Scheme in Distributed Shared Memory of GALAXY. EDMCC 1991: 52-61
2 Pradeep Kumar Sinha, Kyu Sung Park, Xiaohua Jia, Kentaro Shimizu, Mamoru Maekawa: Process Migration in the GALAXY Distributed Operating System. IPPS 1991: 611-618
1 Pradeep Kumar Sinha, Mamoru Maekawa, Kentaro Shimizu, Xiaohua Jia, Hyo Ashihara, Naoki Utsunomiya, Kyu Sung Park, Hirohiko Nakano: The Galaxy Distributed Operating System. IEEE Computer 24(8): 34-41 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Hyo Ashihara [1] [3]
2Xiaohua Jia [1] [2]
3Mamoru Maekawa [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
4Hirohiko Nakano [1]
5Kyu Sung Park [1] [2]
6Kentaro Shimizu [1] [2] [3] [4]
7Naoki Utsunomiya [1]

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