2008 |
12 | | Parag Singla,
Pedro Domingos:
Lifted First-Order Belief Propagation.
AAAI 2008: 1094-1099 |
11 | EE | Pedro Domingos,
Stanley Kok,
Daniel Lowd,
Hoifung Poon,
Matthew Richardson,
Parag Singla:
Markov Logic.
Probabilistic Inductive Logic Programming 2008: 92-117 |
10 | EE | Pedro Domingos,
Stanley Kok,
Daniel Lowd,
Hoifung Poon,
Matthew Richardson,
Parag Singla,
Marc Sumner,
Jue Wang:
Markov Logic: A Unifying Language for Structural and Statistical Pattern Recognition.
SSPR/SPR 2008: 3 |
9 | EE | Pedro Domingos,
Daniel Lowd,
Stanley Kok,
Hoifung Poon,
Matthew Richardson,
Parag Singla:
Just Add Weights: Markov Logic for the Semantic Web.
URSW (LNCS Vol.) 2008: 1-25 |
8 | EE | Parag Singla,
Matthew Richardson:
Yes, there is a correlation: - from social networks to personal behavior on the web.
WWW 2008: 655-664 |
2007 |
7 | EE | Pedro Domingos,
Parag Singla:
Markov Logic in Infinite Domains.
Probabilistic, Logical and Relational Learning - A Further Synthesis 2007 |
2006 |
6 | | Parag Singla,
Pedro Domingos:
Memory-Efficient Inference in Relational Domains.
AAAI 2006 |
5 | | Pedro Domingos,
Stanley Kok,
Hoifung Poon,
Matthew Richardson,
Parag Singla:
Unifying Logical and Statistical AI.
AAAI 2006 |
4 | EE | Parag Singla,
Pedro Domingos:
Entity Resolution with Markov Logic.
ICDM 2006: 572-582 |
2005 |
3 | | Parag Singla,
Pedro Domingos:
Discriminative Training of Markov Logic Networks.
AAAI 2005: 868-873 |
2 | EE | Parag Singla,
Pedro Domingos:
Collective Object Identification.
IJCAI 2005: 1636-1637 |
1 | EE | Parag Singla,
Pedro Domingos:
Object Identification with Attribute-Mediated Dependences.
PKDD 2005: 297-308 |