
Jugdutt Singh

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11 Aniruddha Desai, Jugdutt Singh, John Devlin: Configurable Toolchain for Embedded Java Environments. ESA 2008: 309-314
10EEDavid Fitrio, Aleksandar Stojcevski, Jugdutt Singh: Ultra Low Power Weak Inversion Current Steered Digital to Analog Converter. APCCAS 2006: 1543-1546
9 Aniruddha Desai, Jugdutt Singh, Ronny Veljanovski: Real-time Memory Management System for a Java Processor. PDPTA 2006: 1000-1006
8EEDavid Fitrio, Jugdutt Singh, Aleksandar Stojcevski: Dynamic Voltage Scaling for Power Aware Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Processor. Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference 2005: 52-64
7 Aniruddha Desai, Gregory Cain, Jugdutt Singh, Ronny Veljanovski: Dedicated Hardware Based Enhancements for Implementing the Java Virtual Machine. ESA 2005: 238-244
6EEAleksandar Stojcevski, Jugdutt Singh, Aladin Zayegh: CMOS ADC with Reconfigurable Properties for a Cellular Handset. DELTA 2004: 103-107
5EEHai Phuong Le, Aladin Zayegh, Jugdutt Singh: Noise Analysis of a Reduced Complexity Pipeline Analog-to-Digital Converter. DELTA 2004: 360-368
4EEV. Vibhute, David Fitrio, Jugdutt Singh, Aladin Zayegh, Aleksandar Stojcevski: A Tunable VCO for Multistandard Mobile Receiver. DELTA 2004: 378-386
3EEJ. Chandran, R. Kaluri, Jugdutt Singh, Viktor Öwall, Ronny Veljanovski: Xilinx Virtex II Pro Implementation of a Reconfigurable UMTS Digital Channel Filter. DELTA 2004: 77-82
2EEK. Wang, Jugdutt Singh, M. Faulkner: FPGA Implementation of an OFDM-WLAN Synchronizer. DELTA 2004: 89-96
1EER. Vejanovski, Aleksandar Stojcevski, Jugdutt Singh, M. Faulkner, Aladin Zayegh: A highly efficient reconfigurable architecture for an UTRA-TDD mobile station receiver. ISCAS (2) 2003: 45-48

Coauthor Index

1Gregory Cain [7]
2J. Chandran [3]
3Aniruddha Desai [7] [9] [11]
4John Devlin [11]
5M. Faulkner [1] [2]
6David Fitrio [4] [8] [10]
7R. Kaluri [3]
8Hai Phuong Le [5]
9Viktor Öwall [3]
10Aleksandar Stojcevski [1] [4] [6] [8] [10]
11R. Vejanovski [1]
12Ronny Veljanovski [3] [7] [9]
13V. Vibhute [4]
14K. Wang [2]
15Aladin Zayegh [1] [4] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)