
Thelma E. Simons

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2 William D. Stuart, Tracy Callaway Russo, Howard E. Sypher, Thelma E. Simons, Lisa K. Hallberg: Influences of Sources of Communication on Adoption of a Communication Technology. Diffusing Software Products and Process Innovations 2001: 191-204
1EEWilliam R. Anderson, Larry Fields, Thelma E. Simons, Kathy Pribbenow, Christopher Jones: Crossing the bridge while you build it: a smooth migration to new servers and services. SIGUCCS 2001: 3-7

Coauthor Index

1William R. Anderson [1]
2Larry Fields [1]
3Lisa K. Hallberg [2]
4Christopher Jones [1]
5Kathy Pribbenow [1]
6Tracy Callaway Russo [2]
7William D. Stuart [2]
8Howard E. Sypher [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)