
Robert F. Simmons

Robert Francis Simmons

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17 Robert F. Simmons, Yeong-Ho Yu: The Acquisition and Use of Context-Dependent Grammars for English. Computational Linguistics 18(4): 391-418 (1992)
16 Robert F. Simmons, Yeong-Ho Yu: The Acquisition and Application of Context Sensitive Grammar for English. ACL 1991: 122-129
15 Yeong-Ho Yu, Robert F. Simmons: Truly Parallel Understanding of Text. AAAI 1990: 996-1001
14 Hae-Chang Rim, Jungyun Seo, Robert F. Simmons: Transforming Syntactic Graphs into Semantic Graphs. ACL 1990: 47-53
13 Jungyun Seo, Robert F. Simmons: Syntactic Graphs: A Representation for the Union of All Ambiguous Parse Trees. Computational Linguistics 15(1): 19-32 (1989)
12EERobert F. Simmons: A text knowledge base from the AI handbook. Inf. Process. Manage. 23(4): 321-339 (1987)
11EERobert F. Simmons: The Costs of Inheritance in Semantic Networks. COLING 1984: 71-74
10 Robert F. Simmons, Daniel L. Chester: Relating Sentences and Semantic Networks with Procedural Logic. Commun. ACM 25(8): 527-547 (1982)
9EERobert F. Simmons: Word, Phrase and Sentence. ACL 1980
8 Robert F. Simmons, Daniel L. Chester: Inferences in Quantified Semantic Networks. IJCAI 1977: 267-273
7 Robert F. Simmons, Jonathan Slocum: Generating English Discourse from Semantic Networks. Commun. ACM 15(10): 891-905 (1972)
6 Robert F. Simmons, Bertram C. Bruce: Some Relations Between Predicate Calculus and Semantic Net Representations of Discourse. IJCAI 1971: 524-530
5EERobert F. Simmons: Storage and retrieval of aspects of meaning in directed graph structures. Commun. ACM 9(3): 211-215 (1966)
4EERobert F. Simmons: Answering English questions by computer: a survey. Commun. ACM 8(1): 53-70 (1965)
3EEKeren McConlogue, Robert F. Simmons: Analyzing English syntax with a pattern-learning parser. Commun. ACM 8(11): 687-698 (1965)
2EESheldon Klein, Robert F. Simmons: A Computational Approach to Grammatical Coding of English Words. J. ACM 10(3): 334-347 (1963)
1EERobert F. Simmons: Synthex. Commun. ACM 4(3): 140 (1961)

Coauthor Index

1Bertram C. Bruce [6]
2Daniel L. Chester [8] [10]
3Sheldon Klein [2]
4Keren McConlogue [3]
5Hae-Chang Rim [14]
6Jungyun Seo [13] [14]
7Jonathan Slocum [7]
8Yeong-Ho Yu [15] [16] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)