
Daniel L. Chester

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11EEZunaid Kazi, Shoupu Chen, Matthew Beitler, Daniel L. Chester, Richard A. Foulds: Speech and Gesture Mediated Intelligent Teleoperation. Assistive Technology and Artificial Intelligence 1998: 194-210
10EEShoupu Chen, Zunaid Kazi, Richard A. Foulds, Daniel L. Chester: Color and three-dimensional vision-based assistive telemanipulation. Image Vision Comput. 16(4): 265-274 (1998)
9 Charles Dierbach, Daniel L. Chester: Abstractional Concept Mapping: A Foundational Model for Analogical Reasoning. Computational Intelligence 13(1): 32-86 (1997)
8 Marcelo Jenkins, Daniel L. Chester: A Combined Object-Oriented and Logic Programming Tool for AI. ICTAI 1993: 152-159
7 Charles Dierbach, Daniel L. Chester: A Formal Basis for Analogical Reasoning. KR 1991: 139-150
6 Robert F. Simmons, Daniel L. Chester: Relating Sentences and Semantic Networks with Procedural Logic. Commun. ACM 25(8): 527-547 (1982)
5 Daniel L. Chester: HCPRVR: An Interpreter for Logic Programs. AAAI 1980: 93-95
4 Daniel L. Chester: A Parsing Algoritm That Extends Phrases. American Journal of Computational Linguistics 6(2): 87-96 (1980)
3 Robert F. Simmons, Daniel L. Chester: Inferences in Quantified Semantic Networks. IJCAI 1977: 267-273
2 Daniel L. Chester: The Translation of Formal Proofs into English. Artif. Intell. 7(3): 261-278 (1976)
1 Daniel L. Chester: John Craig Comfort, A Flexible Efficient Computer System to Answer Human Questions. Artif. Intell. 7(4): 363-365 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1Matthew Beitler [11]
2Shoupu Chen [10] [11]
3Charles Dierbach [7] [9]
4Richard A. Foulds [10] [11]
5Marcelo Jenkins [8]
6Zunaid Kazi [10] [11]
7Robert F. Simmons (Robert Francis Simmons) [3] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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