
Marcus Lucas da Silva

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4EEMarcus Lucas da Silva, Mitsuji Matsumoto: Aiding Emergency Response to Multiple Casualty Terrorist Bombings Targeting Public Surface Transportation Vehicles. ICNSC 2008: 226-231
3EEMarcus Lucas da Silva, Vassilis Kostakos, Mitsuji Matsumoto: Improving Emergency Response to Mass Casualty Incidents. PerCom 2008: 256-259
2EEMarcus Lucas da Silva, Mitsuji Matsumoto: A Proposal of a Platform for Alert Notification and Response Support. ICNS 2007: 111
1 Marcus Lucas da Silva, Marcos César Cardoso Carrard, Marcos Cordeiro d'Ornellas: A Generic Approach for Developing Software for Morphological Image Processing. CISST 2004: 94-100

Coauthor Index

1Marcos César Cardoso Carrard [1]
2Vassilis Kostakos [3]
3Mitsuji Matsumoto [2] [3] [4]
4Marcos Cordeiro d'Ornellas [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)