
Jan Sijbers

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20EEKees Joost Batenburg, Jan Sijbers: Generic iterative subset algorithms for discrete tomography. Discrete Applied Mathematics 157(3): 438-451 (2009)
19EEKees Joost Batenburg, Jan Sijbers: Selection of Local Thresholds for Tomogram Segmentation by Projection Distance Minimization. DGCI 2008: 380-391
18EEBen Jeurissen, Alexander Leemans, Jacques-Donald Tournier, Jan Sijbers: Estimation of uncertainty in constrained spherical deconvolution fiber orientations. ISBI 2008: 907-910
17EEW. van Aarle, Kees Joost Batenburg, Jan Sijbers: Threshold Selection for Segmentation of Dense Objects in Tomograms. ISVC (1) 2008: 700-709
16EERomulo Pinho, Jan Sijbers, Toon Huysmans: Segmentation of the Human Trachea Using Deformable Statistical Models of Tubular Shapes. ACIVS 2007: 531-542
15EEZhenhua Mai, Toon Huysmans, Jan Sijbers: Colon Visualization Using Cylindrical Parameterization. ACIVS 2007: 607-615
14EEKees Joost Batenburg, Jan Sijbers: Optimal Threshold Selection for Tomogram Segmentation by Reprojection of the Reconstructed Image. CAIP 2007: 563-570
13EEKees Joost Batenburg, Jan Sijbers: Dart: A Fast Heuristic Algebraic Reconstruction Algorithm for Discrete Tomography. ICIP (4) 2007: 133-136
12EEW. Van Hecke, Alexander Leemans, E. D'Agostino, Steve De Backer, Everhard Vandervliet, Paul M. Parizel, Jan Sijbers: Nonrigid Coregistration of Diffusion Tensor Images Using a Viscous Fluid Model and Mutual Information. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 26(11): 1598-1612 (2007)
11EEToon Huysmans, Jan Sijbers, Filiep Vanpoucke, Brigitte Verdonk: Improved Shape Modeling of Tubular Objects Using Cylindrical Parameterization. MIAR 2006: 84-91
10EEAlexander Leemans, Jan Sijbers, Steve De Backer, Everhard Vandervliet, Paul M. Parizel: Affine Coregistration of Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Images Using Mutual Information. ACIVS 2005: 523-530
9EEJan Sijbers, Arnold Jan den Dekker, Robert Bos: A Likelihood Ratio Test for Functional MRI Data Analysis to Account for Colored Noise. ACIVS 2005: 538-546
8EEJaber Juntu, Jan Sijbers, Dirk Van Dyck, Jan Gielen: Bias Field Correction for MRI Images. CORES 2005: 543-551
7 Toon Huysmans, Jan Sijbers, Brigitte Verdonk: Parametrization of Tubular Surfaces on the Cylinder. WSCG (Journal Papers) 2005: 97-104
6EEJan Sijbers, Arnold Jan den Dekker: Generalized likelihood ratio tests for complex fMRI data: a Simulation study. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 24(5): 604-611 (2005)
5EEJan Sijbers, Dirk Van Dyck: Efficient algorithm for the computation of 3D Fourier descriptors. 3DPVT 2002: 640-643
4EEJan Sijbers, Tom Ceulemans, Dirk Van Dyck: Algorithm for the Computation of 3D Fourier Descriptors. ICPR (2) 2002: 790-793
3EEPaul Scheunders, Jan Sijbers: Multiscale Watershed Segmentation of Multivalued Images. ICPR (3) 2002: 855-858
2EEPaul Scheunders, Jan Sijbers: Multiscale anisotropic filtering of color images. ICIP (3) 2001: 170-173
1 Jan Sijbers, Arnold Jan den Dekker, Paul Scheunders, Dirk Van Dyck: Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Rician Distribution Parameters. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 17(3): 357-361 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1W. van Aarle [17]
2Steve De Backer [10] [12]
3Kees Joost Batenburg [13] [14] [17] [19] [20]
4Robert Bos [9]
5Tom Ceulemans [4]
6E. D'Agostino [12]
7Arnold Jan den Dekker [1] [6] [9]
8Dirk Van Dyck [1] [4] [5] [8]
9Jan Gielen [8]
10W. Van Hecke [12]
11Toon Huysmans [7] [11] [15] [16]
12Ben Jeurissen [18]
13Jaber Juntu [8]
14Alexander Leemans [10] [12] [18]
15Zhenhua Mai [15]
16Paul M. Parizel [10] [12]
17Romulo Pinho [16]
18Paul Scheunders [1] [2] [3]
19Jacques-Donald Tournier [18]
20Everhard Vandervliet [10] [12]
21Filiep Vanpoucke [11]
22Brigitte Verdonk [7] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)