
Kees Joost Batenburg

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16EEKees Joost Batenburg, Jan Sijbers: Generic iterative subset algorithms for discrete tomography. Discrete Applied Mathematics 157(3): 438-451 (2009)
15EEKees Joost Batenburg, Jan Sijbers: Selection of Local Thresholds for Tomogram Segmentation by Projection Distance Minimization. DGCI 2008: 380-391
14EEW. van Aarle, Kees Joost Batenburg, Jan Sijbers: Threshold Selection for Segmentation of Dense Objects in Tomograms. ISVC (1) 2008: 700-709
13EEKees Joost Batenburg, Walter A. Kosters: A Reasoning Framework for Solving Nonograms. IWCIA 2008: 372-383
12EEKees Joost Batenburg, Antal Nagy, Maurice Nivat: Preface. Theor. Comput. Sci. 406(1-2): 1 (2008)
11EEKees Joost Batenburg, Antal Nagy, Maurice Nivat: In Memoriam Attila Kuba (1953-2006). Theor. Comput. Sci. 406(1-2): 2-7 (2008)
10EEKees Joost Batenburg, Jan Sijbers: Optimal Threshold Selection for Tomogram Segmentation by Reprojection of the Reconstructed Image. CAIP 2007: 563-570
9EEKees Joost Batenburg, Jan Sijbers: Dart: A Fast Heuristic Algebraic Reconstruction Algorithm for Discrete Tomography. ICIP (4) 2007: 133-136
8EEKees Joost Batenburg: A Network Flow Algorithm for Binary Image Reconstruction from Few Projections. DGCI 2006: 86-97
7 Kees Joost Batenburg: A Learning Classifier Approach to Tomography. ECAI 2006: 655-659
6EEKees Joost Batenburg, Walter A. Kosters: A Neural Network Approach to Real-Time Discrete Tomography. IWCIA 2006: 389-403
5 Kees Joost Batenburg, Walter A. Kosters: Neural Networks for Discrete Tomography. BNAIC 2005: 21-27
4EEKees Joost Batenburg: An evolutionary algorithm for discrete tomography. Discrete Applied Mathematics 151(1-3): 36-54 (2005)
3EEKees Joost Batenburg: A new algorithm for 3D binary tomography. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 20: 247-261 (2005)
2EEKees Joost Batenburg, W. J. Palenstijn: On the Reconstruction of Crystals Through Discrete Tomography. IWCIA 2004: 23-37
1EEKees Joost Batenburg: Analysis and optimization of an algorithm for discrete tomography. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 12: 35-46 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1W. van Aarle [14]
2Walter A. Kosters [5] [6] [13]
3Antal Nagy [11] [12]
4Maurice Nivat [11] [12]
5W. J. Palenstijn [2]
6Jan Sijbers [9] [10] [14] [15] [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)