
Leonid Sigal

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14EEMarek Vondrak, Leonid Sigal, Odest Chadwicke Jenkins: Physical simulation for probabilistic motion tracking. CVPR 2008
13EEAlexandru O. Balan, Leonid Sigal, Michael J. Black, James E. Davis, Horst W. Haussecker: Detailed Human Shape and Pose from Images. CVPR 2007
12EEAlexandru O. Balan, Michael J. Black, Horst W. Haussecker, Leonid Sigal: Shining a Light on Human Pose: On Shadows, Shading and the Estimation of Pose and Shape. ICCV 2007: 1-8
11EELeonid Sigal, Alexandru O. Balan, Michael J. Black: Combined discriminative and generative articulated pose and non-rigid shape estimation. NIPS 2007
10EELeonid Sigal, Michael J. Black: Predicting 3D People from 2D Pictures. AMDO 2006: 185-195
9EELeonid Sigal, Michael J. Black: Measure Locally, Reason Globally: Occlusion-sensitive Articulated Pose Estimation. CVPR (2) 2006: 2041-2048
8EELeonid Sigal, Sidharth Bhatia, Stefan Roth, Michael J. Black, Michael Isard: Tracking Loose-Limbed People. CVPR (1) 2004: 421-428
7EEStefan Roth, Leonid Sigal, Michael J. Black: Gibbs Likelihoods for Bayesian Tracking. CVPR (1) 2004: 886-893
6EELeonid Sigal, Ying Zhu, Dorin Comaniciu, Michael J. Black: Tracking Complex Objects Using Graphical Object Models. IWCM 2004: 223-234
5EELeonid Sigal, Stan Sclaroff, Vassilis Athitsos: Skin Color-Based Video Segmentation under Time-Varying Illumination. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 26(7): 862-877 (2004)
4EELeonid Sigal, Michael Isard, Benjamin H. Sigelman, Michael J. Black: Attractive People: Assembling Loose-Limbed Models using Non-parametric Belief Propagation. NIPS 2003
3EEHedvig Sidenbladh, Michael J. Black, Leonid Sigal: Implicit Probabilistic Models of Human Motion for Synthesis and Tracking. ECCV (1) 2002: 784-800
2 Rómer Rosales, Vassilis Athitsos, Leonid Sigal, Stan Sclaroff: 3D Hand Pose Reconstruction Using Specialized Mappings. ICCV 2001: 378-387
1EELeonid Sigal, Stan Sclaroff, Vassilis Athitsos: Estimation and Prediction of Evolving Color Distributions for Skin Segmentation under Varying Illumination. CVPR 2000: 2152-2159

Coauthor Index

1Vassilis Athitsos [1] [2] [5]
2Alexandru O. Balan [11] [12] [13]
3Sidharth Bhatia [8]
4Michael J. Black [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
5Dorin Comaniciu [6]
6James E. Davis [13]
7Horst W. Haussecker [12] [13]
8Michael Isard [4] [8]
9Odest Chadwicke Jenkins [14]
10Hedvig Kjellström (Hedvig Sidenbladh) [3]
11Rómer Rosales [2]
12Stefan Roth [7] [8]
13Stan Sclaroff [1] [2] [5]
14Benjamin H. Sigelman [4]
15Marek Vondrak [14]
16Ying Zhu [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)