
Christophe Sibertin-Blanc

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29 Carmen Lucia Ruybal dos Santos, Sandra Sandri, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc: A Partial-View Cooperation Framework Based on the Sociology of Organized Action. ICEIS (2) 2008: 553-558
28EEOmar Tahir, Eric Andonoff, Chihab Hanachi, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc, Frédérick Bénaben, Vincent Chapurlat, Thomas Lambolais: A Collaborative Information System Architecture for Process-Based Crisis Management. KES (3) 2008: 630-641
27EESandra Sandri, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc: A multicriteria System Using Gradual Fuzzy Rules and Fuzzy Arithmetic. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 16(Supplement-1): 17-34 (2008)
26 Sandra Sandri, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc: A fuzzy rule-based modeling of the Sociology of Organized Action. CCIA 2007: 281-290
25EESandra Sandri, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc: Transposing the Sociology of Organized Action into a Fuzzy Environment. ECSQARU 2007: 791-802
24EESandra Sandri, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc, Vicenç Torra: A Multicriteria Fuzzy System Using Residuated Implication Operators and Fuzzy Arithmetic. MDAI 2007: 57-67
23EEChristophe Sibertin-Blanc, Philippe Mauran, Gérard Padiou: Safe Adaptation of Component Coordination. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 189: 69-85 (2007)
22EEStéphanie Combettes, Chihab Hanachi, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc: Organizational Petri Nets for protocol design and enactment. AAMAS 2006: 1384-1386
21EEChristophe Sibertin-Blanc, Frédéric Amblard, M. Mailliard: A Coordination Framework Based on the Sociology of Organized Action. AAMAS Workshops 2005: 3-17
20 Omar Tahir, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc, Janette Cardoso: A Causality-based Semantics for UML Sequence Diagrams. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2005: 106-111
19EEChristophe Sibertin-Blanc, Omar Tahir, Janette Cardoso: Interpretation of UML Sequence Diagrams as Causality Flows. ISSADS 2005: 126-140
18EEEric Andonoff, Lotfi Bouzguenda, Chihab Hanachi, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc: Using Agent Technology for Coordination in Loose Inter-Organizational Workflow. WETICE 2005: 33-38
17 Eric Andonoff, Lotfi Bouzguenda, Chihab Hanachi, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc: Finding partners in the coordination of Loose Inter-Organizational Workflow. COOP 2004: 147-162
16EEChristophe Sibertin-Blanc, Nabil Hameurlain: Participation Components for Holding Roles in Multiagent Systems Protocols. ESAW 2004: 60-73
15 Eric Andonoff, Lotfi Bouzguenda, Chihab Hanachi, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc: Une architecture et un modèle organisationnel orientés agent pour le workflow inter-organisationnel lâche. INFORSID 2004: 441-459
14EENabil Hameurlain, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc: Specification of Role-Based Interactions Components in Multi-agent Systems. SELMAS 2004: 180-197
13EEChihab Hanachi, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc: Protocol Moderators as Active Middle-Agents in Multi-Agent Systems. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 8(2): 131-164 (2004)
12 Pierre-Jean Charrel, Laurent Perrussel, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc: VOLYE: Viewpoint Oriented Requirement Engineering for Lyee Methodology. EJC 2003: 1-18
11EEChristophe Sibertin-Blanc: CoOperative Objects: Principles, Use and Implementation. Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming and Petri Nets 2001: 216-246
10EEChristophe Sibertin-Blanc: The Hurried Philosophers. Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming and Petri Nets 2001: 536-538
9 Monica Divitini, Chihab Hanachi, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc: Inter-Organizational Workflows for Enterprise Coordination. Coordination of Internet Agents: Models, Technologies, and Applications 2001: 369-398
8EEChristophe Sibertin-Blanc, Chihab Hanachi, Janette Cardoso: Communication Protocols as First-class Components of Multiagent Systems. ICMAS 2000: 437-438
7EEChihab Hanachi, Nabil Hameurlain, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc: Mobile Agents Behaviours: From Declarative Specifications to Implementation. CIA 1999: 196-207
6 Nabil Hameurlain, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc: Behavioural Types in CoOperative Objects. ECOOP Workshops 1999: 320-321
5EENabil Hameurlain, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc: Finite Symbolic Reachability Graphs for High-Level Petri Nets. APSEC 1997: 150-159
4EEChristophe Sibertin-Blanc: Concurrency in CoOperative Objects. HIPS 1997: 35-
3 Christophe Sibertin-Blanc: Cooperative Nets. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1994: 471-490
2 Christophe Sibertin-Blanc: A Client-Server Protocol for the Composition of Petri Nets. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1993: 377-396
1 Philippe A. Palanque, Rémi Bastide, Louis Dourte, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc: Design of User-Driven Interfaces Using Petri Nets and Objects CAiSE 1993: 569-585

Coauthor Index

1Frédéric Amblard [21]
2Eric Andonoff [15] [17] [18] [28]
3Rémi Bastide [1]
4Frédérick Bénaben [28]
5Lotfi Bouzguenda [15] [17] [18]
6Janette Cardoso [8] [19] [20]
7Vincent Chapurlat [28]
8Pierre-Jean Charrel [12]
9Stéphanie Combettes [22]
10Monica Divitini [9]
11Louis Dourte [1]
12Nabil Hameurlain [5] [6] [7] [14] [16]
13Chihab Hanachi [7] [8] [9] [13] [15] [17] [18] [22] [28]
14Thomas Lambolais [28]
15M. Mailliard [21]
16Philippe Mauran [23]
17Gérard Padiou [23]
18Philippe A. Palanque [1]
19Laurent Perrussel [12]
20Sandra Sandri [24] [25] [26] [27] [29]
21Carmen Lucia Ruybal dos Santos [29]
22Omar Tahir [19] [20] [28]
23Vicenç Torra (Vicenç Torra I. Reventós) [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)