2008 |
107 | EE | Carlos Molina-Jiménez,
Nick Cook,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
On the Feasibility of Bilaterally Agreed Accounting of Resource Consumption.
ICSOC Workshops 2008: 270-283 |
106 | EE | Massimo Strano,
Carlos Molina-Jiménez,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
A Rule-Based Notation to Specify Executable Electronic Contracts.
RuleML 2008: 81-88 |
105 | EE | Achmad I. Kistijantoro,
Graham Morgan,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Mark C. Little:
Enhancing an Application Server to Support Available Components.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 34(4): 531-545 (2008) |
2007 |
104 | EE | Carlos Molina-Jiménez,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Nick Cook:
Implementing Business Conversations with Consistency Guarantees Using Message-Oriented Middleware.
EDOC 2007: 51-62 |
103 | EE | Nick Cook,
Paul Robinson,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
The Rigorous Implementation of a Fair Exchange Protocol for Non-repudiable Web Service Interactions - a case study.
ICDE Workshops 2007: 307-314 |
2006 |
102 | EE | Carlos Molina-Jiménez,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Simon Woodman:
On State Synchronization of Business Conversations.
CEC/EEE 2006: 42 |
101 | EE | Carlos Molina-Jiménez,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Maintaining Consistency between Loosely Coupled Services in the Presence of Timing Constraints and Validation Errors.
ECOWS 2006: 148-160 |
100 | EE | Achmad I. Kistijantoro,
Graham Morgan,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Transaction Manager Failover: A Case Study Using JBOSS Application Server.
OTM Workshops (2) 2006: 1555-1564 |
99 | EE | Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Satem: Trusted Service Code Execution across Transactions.
SRDS 2006: 337-338 |
98 | EE | Nick Cook,
Paul Robinson,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Design and Implementation of Web Services Middleware to Support Fair Non-Repudiable Interactions.
Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 15(4): 565-597 (2006) |
2005 |
97 | EE | Carlos Molina-Jiménez,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
John P. Warne:
A Method for Specifying Contract Mediated Interactions.
EDOC 2005: 106-118 |
96 | EE | Paul Robinson,
Nick Cook,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Implementing Fair Non-repudiable Interactions with Web Services.
EDOC 2005: 195-206 |
95 | EE | Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Contract-Mediated Interorganizational Interactions.
IEEE Distributed Systems Online 6(11): (2005) |
94 | EE | Paul D. Ezhilchelvan,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
A Family of Trusted Third Party Based Fair-Exchange Protocols.
IEEE Trans. Dependable Sec. Comput. 2(4): 273-286 (2005) |
2004 |
93 | EE | Nick Cook,
Paul Robinson,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Component Middleware to Support Non-repudiable Service Interactions.
DSN 2004: 605- |
92 | EE | Simon J. Woodman,
Doug J. Palmer,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Stuart M. Wheater:
Notations for the Specification and Verification of Composite Web Services.
EDOC 2004: 35-46 |
91 | EE | Carlos Molina-Jiménez,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Ellis Solaiman,
John P. Warne:
Run-time monitoring and enforcement of electronic contracts.
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 3(2): 108-125 (2004) |
2003 |
90 | EE | Carlos Molina-Jiménez,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Ellis Solaiman,
John P. Warne:
Contract Representation for Run-time Monitoring and Enforcement.
CEC 2003: 103-110 |
89 | EE | Nick Cook,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Stuart M. Wheater:
Middleware Support for Non-repudiable Transactional Information Sharing between Enterprises.
DAIS 2003: 125-132 |
88 | | Paul D. Ezhilchelvan,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Systematic Development of a Family of Fair Exchange Protocols.
DBSec 2003: 243-258 |
87 | EE | Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Middleware for Supporting Inter-organizational Interactions.
Future Directions in Distributed Computing 2003: 202-206 |
86 | EE | Ellis Solaiman,
Carlos Molina-Jiménez,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Model Checking Correctness Properties of Electronic Contracts.
ICSOC 2003: 303-318 |
85 | EE | Achmad I. Kistijantoro,
Graham Morgan,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Mark C. Little:
Component Replication in Distributed Systems: A Case Study Using Enterprise Java Beans.
SRDS 2003: 89-98 |
84 | EE | Paul D. Ezhilchelvan,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
A Model and a Design Approach to Building QoS Adaptive Systems.
WADS 2003: 215-240 |
83 | | Iain Houston,
Mark C. Little,
Ian Robinson,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Stuart M. Wheater:
The CORBA Activity Service Framework for supporting extended transactions.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 33(4): 351-373 (2003) |
2002 |
82 | EE | Nick Cook,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Stuart M. Wheater:
Distributed Object Middleware to Support Dependable Information Sharing between Organisations.
DSN 2002: 249-262 |
81 | EE | Richard D. Schlichting,
Andrew A. Chien,
Carl Kesselman,
Keith Marzullo,
James S. Plank,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Dependability and the Grid: Issues and Challenges.
DSN 2002: 263-266 |
80 | EE | Mark C. Little,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
An Examination of the Transition of the Arjuna Distributed Transaction Processing Software from Research to Products.
WIESS 2002: 41-54 |
79 | EE | Mark C. Little,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Neil A. Speirs:
Using Bloom Filters to Speed-up Name Lookup in Distributed Systems.
Comput. J. 45(6): 645-652 (2002) |
2001 |
78 | EE | Mark C. Little,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Stuart M. Wheater:
Theory and Practice of Building Reliable Distributed Applications.
DOA 2001: 353-354 |
77 | EE | J. J. Halliday,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Stuart M. Wheater:
Flexible Workflow Management in the OPENflow System.
EDOC 2001: 82-92 |
76 | EE | Paul D. Ezhilchelvan,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Mark C. Little:
A Model and Architecture for Conducting Hierarchically Structured Auctions.
ISORC 2001: 129-137 |
75 | EE | Iain Houston,
Mark C. Little,
Ian Robinson,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Stuart M. Wheater:
The CORBA Activity Service Framework for Supporting Extended Transactions.
Middleware 2001: 197-215 |
2000 |
74 | EE | Graham Morgan,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Implementing Flexible Object Group Invocation in Networked Systems.
DSN 2000: 439-448 |
73 | EE | Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Luc Bellissard,
David Féliot,
M. Herrmann,
Noel De Palma,
Stuart M. Wheater:
A Workflow and Agent Based Platform for Service Provisioning.
EDOC 2000: 38-47 |
72 | EE | David B. Ingham,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Fabio Panzieri:
Constructing Dependable Web Services.
IEEE Internet Computing 4(1): 25-33 (2000) |
1999 |
71 | | Sacha Krakowiak,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Advances in Distributed Systems, Advanced Distributed Computing: From Algorithms to Systems
Springer 1999 |
70 | EE | Mark C. Little,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Integrating Group Communication with Transactions for Implementing Persistent Replicated Objects.
Advances in Distributed Systems 1999: 238-253 |
69 | EE | David B. Ingham,
Fabio Panzieri,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Constructing Dependable Web Services.
Advances in Distributed Systems 1999: 277-294 |
68 | EE | Stuart M. Wheater,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Frédéric Ranno:
OPENflow: A CORBA Based Transactional Workflow System.
Advances in Distributed Systems 1999: 354-374 |
67 | EE | Mark C. Little,
Stuart M. Wheater,
David B. Ingham,
C. Richard Snow,
Harry Whitfield,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
The University Student Registration System: A Case Study in Building a High-Availability Distributed Application Using General Purpose Components.
Advances in Distributed Systems 1999: 453-471 |
66 | EE | Paul D. Ezhilchelvan,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Enhancing Replica Management Services to Cope with Group Failures.
Advances in Distributed Systems 1999: 79-103 |
65 | | Graham Morgan,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Paul D. Ezhilchelvan,
Mark C. Little:
Design and implemantation of a CORBA fault-tolerant object group service.
DAIS 1999: 361-374 |
64 | EE | Paul D. Ezhilchelvan,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Enhancing Replica Management Services to Tolerate Group Failures.
ISORC 1999: 263- |
63 | EE | Mark C. Little,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
A Method for Combining Replication with Caching.
SRDS 1999: 316-321 |
62 | EE | Fabio Panzieri,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
On the Provision of Replicated Internet Auction Services.
SRDS 1999: 390-395 |
61 | EE | Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Stuart M. Wheater:
Guest Editors' Introduction: Workflow-Management Systems.
IEEE Concurrency 7(3): 16-17 (1999) |
1998 |
60 | EE | Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Stuart M. Wheater:
A transactional workflow based distributed application composition and execution environment.
ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1998: 74-81 |
59 | EE | Mark C. Little,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Java Transactions for the Internet.
COOTS 1998: 89-100 |
58 | EE | Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Inter-task Co-ordination in Long-Lived Distributed Applications.
DISC 1998: 20-21 |
57 | EE | Frédéric Ranno,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Stuart M. Wheater:
A Language for Specifying the Composition of Reliable Distributed Applications.
ICDCS 1998: 534-543 |
56 | EE | Steve J. Caughey,
Mark C. Little,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Checked Transactions in an Asynchronous Message Passing Environment.
ISORC 1998: 222-229 |
55 | EE | Mark C. Little,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Understanding the Role of Atomic Transactions and Group Communications in Implementing Persistent Replicated Objects.
POS/PJW 1998: 17-28 |
54 | EE | Dave Black,
C. Low,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
The Voltan application programming environment for fail-silent processes.
Distributed Systems Engineering 5(2): 66-77 (1998) |
53 | EE | Mark C. Little,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Java transactions for the Internet.
Distributed Systems Engineering 5(4): 156-167 (1998) |
52 | | Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Stuart M. Wheater:
Architectural support for dynamic reconfiguration of distributed workflow applications.
IEE Proceedings - Software 145(5): 155-162 (1998) |
51 | EE | J. A. Smith,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Performance of Fault-Tolerant Data and Compute Intensive Programs over a Network of Workstations.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 196(1-2): 319-345 (1998) |
1997 |
50 | | Frédéric Ranno,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Stuart M. Wheater:
A System for Specifying and Coordinating the Execution of Reliable Distributed Applications.
DAIS 1997 |
49 | EE | J. A. Smith,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Fault-Tolerant Parallel Applications Using Queues and Actions.
ICPP 1997: 145-149 |
48 | EE | Mark C. Little,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Steve J. Caughey,
David B. Ingham:
Constructing Reliable Web Applications Using Atomic Actions.
Computer Networks 29(8-13): 1281-1290 (1997) |
1996 |
47 | | Jim Smith,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
A System for Fault-Tolerance Execution of Data and Compute Intensive Programs over a Network of Workstations.
Euro-Par, Vol. I 1996: 487-495 |
46 | | Francisco V. Brasileiro,
Paul D. Ezhilchelvan,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Neil A. Speirs,
Sha Tao:
Implementing Fail-Silent Nodes for Distributed Systems.
IEEE Trans. Computers 45(11): 1226-1238 (1996) |
1995 |
45 | | Paul D. Ezhilchelvan,
Raimundo A. Macêdo,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Newtop: A Fault-Tolerant Group Communication Protocol.
ICDCS 1995: 296-306 |
44 | | Graham D. Parrington,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Stuart M. Wheater,
Mark C. Little:
The Design and Implementation of Arjuna.
Computing Systems 8(2): 255-308 (1995) |
43 | EE | Sha Tao,
Paul D. Ezhilchelvan,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Focused fault injection testing of software implemented fault tolerance mechanisms of Voltan TMR nodes.
Distributed Systems Engineering 2(1): 39-49 (1995) |
1994 |
42 | | Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Lessons Learned from Building and Using the Arjuna Distributed Programming System.
Dagstuhl Seminar on Distributed Systems 1994: 17-32 |
41 | EE | Paul D. Ezhilchelvan,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
el/REL: a family of reliable multicast protocols for distributed systems.
Distributed Systems Engineering 1(6): 323-331 (1994) |
40 | EE | Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Daniel L. McCue:
Structuring Fault-Tolerant Object Systems for Modularity in a Distributed Environment.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 5(4): 421-432 (1994) |
39 | | Santosh K. Shrivastava:
To CATOCS or not to CATOCS, that is the ...
Operating Systems Review 28(4): 11-14 (1994) |
1993 |
38 | | Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Arjuna and Voltan: Case Studies in Building Fault Tolerant Distributed Systems Using Standard Components.
Hardware and Software Architectures for Fault Tolerance 1993: 218-226 |
37 | | Mark C. Little,
Daniel L. McCue,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Maintaining Information about Persistent Replicated Objects in a Distributed System.
ICDCS 1993: 491-498 |
36 | | Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Luigi V. Mancini,
Brian Randell:
The Duality of Fault-tolerant System Structures.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 23(7): 773-798 (1993) |
1992 |
35 | | Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Paul D. Ezhilchelvan,
Neil A. Speirs,
Sha Tao,
Alan Tully:
Principal Features of the VOLTAN Family of Reliable Node Architectures for Distributed Systems.
IEEE Trans. Computers 41(5): 542-549 (1992) |
1991 |
34 | | Santosh K. Shrivastava,
A. Waterworth:
Using Objects and Actions to Provide Fault Tolerance in Distributed, Real-Time Applications.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1991: 276-285 |
33 | | Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Daniel L. McCue:
Operating System Support for Object-Oriented Distributed Systems.
Operating Systems of the 90s and Beyond 1991: 256-257 |
32 | | Luigi V. Mancini,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Fault-Tolerant Reference Counting for Garbage Collection in Distributed Systems.
Comput. J. 34(6): 503-513 (1991) |
31 | | Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Graeme N. Dixon,
Graham D. Parrington:
An Overview of the Arjuna Distributed Programming System.
IEEE Software 8(1): 66-73 (1991) |
30 | | Daniel L. McCue,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Structuring Fault-Tolerant Object Systems for Portability.
Operating Systems Review 25(2): 118-121 (1991) |
1990 |
29 | EE | Daniel L. McCue,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Structuring fault-tolerant object systems for portability.
ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1990 |
28 | | Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Stuart M. Wheater:
Implementing Fault-Tolerant Distributed Applications.
ICDCS 1990: 203-210 |
27 | | Alan Tully,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Preventing State Divergence in Replicated Distributed Programs.
SRDS 1990: 104-113 |
26 | | Mark C. Little,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Replicated K-Resilient Objects in Arjuna.
Workshop on the Management of Replicated Data 1990: 53-58 |
25 | EE | Paul D. Ezhilchelvan,
Isi Mitrani,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
A Performance Evaluation Study of Pipeline TMR Systems.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 1(4): 442-456 (1990) |
1989 |
24 | | Graeme N. Dixon,
Graham D. Parrington,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Stuart M. Wheater:
The Treatment of Persistent Objects in Arjuna.
ECOOP 1989: 169-189 |
23 | EE | Paul D. Ezhilchelvan,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Alan Tully:
Constructing Replicated Systems Using Processors with Point-to-Point Communication Links.
ISCA 1989: 177-184 |
22 | | Graeme N. Dixon,
Graham D. Parrington,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Stuart M. Wheater:
The Treatment of Persistent Objects in Arjuna.
Comput. J. 32(4): 323-332 (1989) |
1988 |
21 | EE | Graham D. Parrington,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Implementing Concurrency Control in Reliable Object-Oriented Systems.
ECOOP 1988: 233-249 |
20 | | Giuseppe Pappalardo,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
A Formal Treatment of Interference in Remote Procedure Calls.
FTRTFT 1988: 209-227 |
19 | EE | Fabio Panzieri,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Rajdoot: A Remote Procedure Call Mechanism Supporting Orphan Detection and Killing.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 14(1): 30-37 (1988) |
1987 |
18 | | Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Luigi V. Mancini,
Brian Randell:
On the Duality of Fault Tolerant System Structures.
Experiences with Distributed Systems 1987: 19-37 |
17 | EE | Graeme N. Dixon,
Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Graham D. Parrington:
Managing Persistent Objects in Arjuna: A System for Reliable Distributed Computing.
POS 1987: 246-265 |
16 | | Graeme N. Dixon,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Exploiting Type Inheritance Facilities to Implement Recoverability in Object Based Systems.
SRDS 1987: 107-114 |
1986 |
15 | | Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Replicated Distributed Processing.
Networking in Open Systems 1986: 325-337 |
14 | | Paul D. Ezhilchelvan,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
A Characterisation of Faults in Systems.
Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems 1986: 215-222 |
1984 |
13 | | Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Reliable Remote Procedure Calls.
Software-Fehlertoleranz und -Zuverlässigkeit 1984: 99-104 |
1983 |
12 | | Santosh K. Shrivastava:
On the Treatment of Orphans in a Distributed System.
Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems 1983: 155-162 |
1982 |
11 | | Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Fabio Panzieri:
The Design of a Reliable Remote Procedure Call Mechanism.
IEEE Trans. Computers 31(7): 692-697 (1982) |
1981 |
10 | | Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Structuring Distributed Systems for Recoverability and Crash Resistance.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 7(4): 436-447 (1981) |
9 | | Peter A. Lee,
J. L. Lloyd,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Some Critical Comments on the Paper "An Optimal Approach to Fault Tolerant Software Systems Design" by Gannon and Shapiro.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 7(6): 608-610 (1981) |
1979 |
8 | | Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Concurrent Pascal with Backward Error Recovery: Language Features and Examples.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 9(12): 1001-1020 (1979) |
7 | | Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Concurrent Pascal with Backward Error Recovery: Implementation.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 9(12): 1021-1033 (1979) |
1978 |
6 | | Santosh K. Shrivastava,
Jean-Pierre Banâtre:
Reliable Resource Allocation Between Unreliable Processes.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 4(3): 230-241 (1978) |
5 | | Thomas Anderson,
Peter A. Lee,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
A Model of Recoverability in Multilevel Systems.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 4(6): 486-494 (1978) |
4 | | Thomas Anderson,
Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Reliable Software: A Selective Annotated Bibliography.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 8(1): 59-76 (1978) |
3 | | Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Sequential Pascal with Recovery Blocks.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 8(2): 177-185 (1978) |
1976 |
2 | | Santosh K. Shrivastava:
Systematic Programming of Scheduling Algorithms.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 6(3): 357-370 (1976) |
1975 |
1 | | Santosh K. Shrivastava:
A View of Concurrent Process Synchronisation.
Comput. J. 18(4): 375-379 (1975) |