
Hiroyuki Shioya

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7EEMasato Uchida, Yousuke Maehara, Hiroyuki Shioya: Design of an Unsupervised Weight Parameter Estimation Method in Ensemble Learning. ICONIP (1) 2007: 771-780
6EEDaisuke Kitakoshi, Hiroyuki Shioya, Ryohei Nakano: Analysis for Adaptability of Policy-Improving System with a Mixture Model of Bayesian Networks to Dynamic Environments. KES (4) 2005: 730-737
5EEJun-ichi Imai, Hiroyuki Shioya, Masahito Kurihara: Modeling and Analysis of Genetic Algorithms Based on the Viewpoint of Mixture Systems. JACIII 7(3): 268-275 (2003)
4EEDaisuke Kitakoshi, Hiroyuki Shioya, Masahito Kurihara: Analysis of a Method Improving Reinforcement Learning Agents' Policies. JACIII 7(3): 276-282 (2003)
3EEHiroyuki Segawa, Hiroyuki Shioya, Norikazu Hiraki, Takashi Totsuka: Constraint-Conscious Smoothing Framework for the Recovery of 3D Articulated Motion from Image Sequences. FG 2000: 476-483
2EEKenji Saito, Hiroyuki Shioya, Tsutomu Da-te: A Treatment of Usefulness of Keywords in Fuzzy Requests for an Information Retrieval System with Bayesian Networks. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 7(4): 399-406 (1999)
1EEKenji Saito, Hiroyuki Shioya, Tsutomu Da-te: A literature search system based on the maximum entropy principle in a Bayesian network. Systems and Computers in Japan 30(7): 38-46 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Tsutomu Da-te [1] [2]
2Norikazu Hiraki [3]
3Jun-ichi Imai [5]
4Daisuke Kitakoshi [4] [6]
5Masahito Kurihara [4] [5]
6Yousuke Maehara [7]
7Ryohei Nakano [6]
8Kenji Saito [1] [2]
9Hiroyuki Segawa [3]
10Takashi Totsuka [3]
11Masato Uchida [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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