
Douglas R. Shier

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18EEKevin R. Hutson, Douglas R. Shier: Extended dominance and a stochastic shortest path problem. Computers & OR 36(2): 584-596 (2009)
17EEBruce L. Golden, Douglas R. Shier: Editorial: 2006 Glover-Klingman Prize winners. Networks 51(2): 91 (2008)
16EEBruce L. Golden, Douglas R. Shier: Editorial: 2007 Glover-Klingman Prize winners. Networks 52(4): 179 (2008)
15EEDawn M. Rose, Douglas R. Shier: Cut scheduling in the apparel industry. Computers & OR 34(11): 3209-3228 (2007)
14EEBruce L. Golden, Douglas R. Shier: Editorial. Networks 49(3): 189 (2007)
13EEKevin R. Hutson, Douglas R. Shier: Minimum spanning trees in networks with varying edge weights. Annals OR 146(1): 3-18 (2006)
12EEBruce L. Golden, Douglas R. Shier: Editorial: 2005 Glover-Klingman prize winners. Networks 48(3): 113 (2006)
11EEBruce L. Golden, Douglas R. Shier: 2003 Glover-Klingman prize winners. Networks 44(1): (2004)
10EEDouglas R. Shier, Bruce L. Golden: Editorial: Glover-Klingman prize. Networks 42(2): 65 (2003)
9EEJames P. Brumbaugh-Smith, Douglas R. Shier: Minimax Models for Diverse Routing. INFORMS Journal on Computing 14(1): 81-95 (2002)
8 J. Scott Provan, Douglas R. Shier: A Paradigm for Listing (s, t)-Cuts in Graphs. Algorithmica 15(4): 351-372 (1996)
7EEDouglas R. Shier, E. J. Valvo, Robert E. Jamison: Generating the States of a Binary Stochastic System. Discrete Applied Mathematics 37/38: 489-500 (1992)
6 Douglas R. Shier, E. Bibelnieks, James P. Jarvis, J. R. Lakin: Algorithms for Approximating the Performance of Multimode Systems. INFOCOM 1990: 741-748
5EEPerino M. Dearing, Douglas R. Shier, D. D. Warner: Maximal chordal subgraphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 20(3): 181-190 (1988)
4EEPaul D. Domich, Karla L. Hoffman, Richard Henry Frymuth Jackson, Patsy B. Saunders, Douglas R. Shier: Comparison of mathematical programming software: A case study using discrete L1 approximation codes. Computers & OR 14(6): 435-447 (1987)
3EEDouglas R. Shier: A computational study of Floyd's algorithm. Computers & OR 8(4): 275-293 (1981)
2EEKarla L. Hoffman, Douglas R. Shier: A Test Problem Generator for Discrete Linear L1 Approximation Problems. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 6(4): 587-593 (1980)
1EEKarla L. Hoffman, Douglas R. Shier: Algorithm 564: A Test Problem Generator for Discrete Linear L1 Approximation Problems. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 6(4): 615-617 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1E. Bibelnieks [6]
2James P. Brumbaugh-Smith [9]
3Perino M. Dearing [5]
4Paul D. Domich [4]
5Bruce L. Golden [10] [11] [12] [14] [16] [17]
6Karla L. Hoffman [1] [2] [4]
7Kevin R. Hutson [13] [18]
8Richard Henry Frymuth Jackson [4]
9Robert E. Jamison [7]
10James P. Jarvis [6]
11J. R. Lakin [6]
12J. Scott Provan [8]
13Dawn M. Rose [15]
14Patsy B. Saunders [4]
15E. J. Valvo [7]
16D. D. Warner [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)