
Naoki Shiba

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6EEChunhui Xu, Naoki Shiba, Kyoichi Kijima: Misrepresentation-proof strategies in poly-agent systems. European Journal of Operational Research 172(2): 574-587 (2006)
5 Naoki Shiba: Model Management For Hierarchically Structured Models And Its Application. Cybernetics and Systems 33(7): 805-833 (2002)
4EENaoki Shiba, Jun-ichi Iijima, Kaoru Ohta: Model Integration for Managerial Decision Support Using a Model Description Language with a Formal Semantics. Cybernetics and Systems 30(8): 761-781 (1999)
3 Manabu Kotani, Naoki Shiba, Kenzo Akazawa: Application of Evolved Neural Networks to Real World Task. ICONIP 1998: 995-998
2 Motonari Tanabu, Jun-ichi Iijima, Naoki Shiba: Application of Intelligent Worldwide DSS to Optimization Problems. EUROCAST 1997: 541-548
1 Yasuhiko Takahara, Naoki Shiba: Systems Theory and Systems Implementation: Case of DSS. CAST 1994: 388-408

Coauthor Index

1Kenzo Akazawa [3]
2Jun-ichi Iijima [2] [4]
3Kyoichi Kijima [6]
4Manabu Kotani [3]
5Kaoru Ohta [4]
6Yasuhiko Takahara [1]
7Motonari Tanabu [2]
8Chunhui Xu [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)