
Kenzo Akazawa

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5EEKenzo Akazawa, Ryuhei Okuno: Estimating Torque-Angle Relations of Human Elbow Joint in Isovelocity Flexion Movements. IEICE Transactions 89-D(11): 2802-2810 (2006)
4EERyuhei Okuno, Kazuya Maekawa, Jun Akazawa, Masaki Yoshida, Kenzo Akazawa: Motor Unit Activity in Biceps Brachii Muscle during Voluntary Isovelocity Elbow Flexion. IEICE Transactions 88-D(6): 1265-1272 (2005)
3EEGonzalo A. García, Kazuya Maekawa, Kenzo Akazawa: Decomposition of Synthetic Multi-channel Surface-Electromyogram Using Independent Component Analysis. ICA 2004: 985-992
2EEManabu Kotani, Seiichi Ozawa, M. Nakai, Kenzo Akazawa: Emergence of feature extraction function using genetic programming. KES 1999: 149-152
1 Manabu Kotani, Naoki Shiba, Kenzo Akazawa: Application of Evolved Neural Networks to Real World Task. ICONIP 1998: 995-998

Coauthor Index

1Jun Akazawa [4]
2Gonzalo A. García [3]
3Manabu Kotani [1] [2]
4Kazuya Maekawa [3] [4]
5M. Nakai [2]
6Ryuhei Okuno [4] [5]
7Seiichi Ozawa [2]
8Naoki Shiba [1]
9Masaki Yoshida [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)