
Stanislav Sheynin

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9EEA. L. Bogush, Alexander Tuzikov, Stanislav Sheynin: 3D Object Reconstruction from Non-Parallel Cross-Sections. ICPR (3) 2004: 542-545
8EEStanislav Sheynin, Alexander Tuzikov, A. L. Bogush: Improvements of Volume Computation from Non-Parallel Cross-Sections. ICPR (4) 2004: 815-818
7EEStanislav Sheynin, Alexander Tuzikov: Area and Moment Computation for Objects with a Closed Spline Boundary. CAIP 2003: 33-40
6EEStanislav Sheynin, Alexander Tuzikov: Moment Computation for Objects with Spline Curve Boundary. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 25(10): 1317-1322 (2003)
5EEAlexander Tuzikov, Stanislav Sheynin, Pavel V. Vasiliev: Computation of volume and surface body moments. Pattern Recognition 36(11): 2521-2529 (2003)
4EEAlexander Tuzikov, Stanislav Sheynin, Pavel V. Vasiliev: Efficient Computation of Body Moments. CAIP 2001: 201-208
3EEStanislav Sheynin, Alexander V. Tuzikov: Formulae for polytope volume and surface moments. ICIP (3) 2001: 720-723
2 Stanislav Sheynin, Alexander Tuzikov: Explicit formulae for polyhedra moments. Pattern Recognition Letters 22(10): 1103-1109 (2001)
1EEStanislav Sheynin, Alexander Tuzikov, Denis Volgin: Computation of Symmetry Measures for Polygonal Shapes. CAIP 1999: 183-190

Coauthor Index

1A. L. Bogush [8] [9]
2Alexander V. Tuzikov (Alexander Tuzikov) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
3Pavel V. Vasiliev [4] [5]
4Denis Volgin [1]

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