
Paul Shaw

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13EEJohn W. S. Brown, Peter J. Shaw, Paul Shaw, David F. Marshall: Arabidopsis nucleolar protein database (AtNoPDB). Nucleic Acids Research 33(Database-Issue): 633-636 (2005)
12EELaurent Perron, Paul Shaw, Vincent Furnon: Propagation Guided Large Neighborhood Search. CP 2004: 468-481
11EEPaul Shaw: A Constraint for Bin Packing. CP 2004: 648-662
10EELaurent Perron, Paul Shaw: Combining Forces to Solve the Car Sequencing Problem. CPAIOR 2004: 225-239
9 John W. S. Brown, Manuel Echeverria, Liang-Hu Qu, Todd M. Lowe, Jean-Pierre Bachellerie, Alexander Hüttenhofer, James P. Kastenmayer, Pamela J. Green, Paul Shaw, David F. Marshall: Plant snoRNA database. Nucleic Acids Research 31(1): 432-435 (2003)
8EEClaude Le Pape, Laurent Perron, Jean-Charles Régin, Paul Shaw: Robust and Parallel Solving of a Network Design Problem. CP 2002: 633-648
7EEPaul Shaw, Bruno De Backer, Vincent Furnon: Improved Local Search for CP Toolkits. Annals OR 115(1-4): 31-50 (2002)
6 Philip Kilby, Patrick Prosser, Paul Shaw: A Comparison of Traditional and Constraint-based Heuristic Methods on Vehicle Routing Problems with Side Constraints. Constraints 5(4): 389-414 (2000)
5 Bruno De Backer, Vincent Furnon, Paul Shaw, Philip Kilby, Patrick Prosser: Solving Vehicle Routing Problems Using Constraint Programming and Metaheuristics. J. Heuristics 6(4): 501-523 (2000)
4EEPaul Shaw: Using Constraint Programming and Local Search Methods to Solve Vehicle Routing Problems. CP 1998: 417-431
3EEPaul Shaw, W. Paul Cockshott, Peter Barrie: Implementation of lattice gases using FPGAs. VLSI Signal Processing 12(1): 51-66 (1996)
2EEGordon Russel, Paul Shaw, W. Paul Cockshott: DAIS: An Object-Addressed Processor Cache. POS 1994: 374-386
1 Paul Shaw, George J. Milne: A Highly Parallel FPL-Based Machine and Its Formal Verification. FPL 1992: 162-173

Coauthor Index

1Jean-Pierre Bachellerie [9]
2Bruno De Backer [5] [7]
3Peter Barrie [3]
4John W. S. Brown [9] [13]
5W. Paul Cockshott [2] [3]
6Manuel Echeverria [9]
7Vincent Furnon [5] [7] [12]
8Pamela J. Green [9]
9Alexander Hüttenhofer [9]
10James P. Kastenmayer [9]
11Philip Kilby [5] [6]
12Todd M. Lowe [9]
13David F. Marshall [9] [13]
14George J. Milne [1]
15Claude Le Pape [8]
16Laurent Perron [8] [10] [12]
17Patrick Prosser [5] [6]
18Liang-Hu Qu [9]
19Jean-Charles Régin [8]
20Gordon Russel [2]
21Peter J. Shaw [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)