
Ling Shao

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19EEHui Zhang, Ling Shao, Kwan-Yee Kenneth Wong: Motion Recovery for Uncalibrated Turntable Sequences Using Silhouettes and a Single Point. ACIVS 2008: 796-807
18EELing Shao, Hui Zhang, Gerard de Haan: An Overview and Performance Evaluation of Classification-Based Least Squares Trained Filters. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 17(10): 1772-1782 (2008)
17EEJia Zou, Wei Xue, Zhiyong Liang, Yixin Zhao, Bo Yang, Ling Shao: SIP Parsing Offload: Design and Performance. GLOBECOM 2007: 2774-2779
16EEIhor O. Kirenko, Ling Shao: Adaptive Repair of Compressed Video Signals using Local Objective Metrics of Blocking Artifacts. ICIP (4) 2007: 393-396
15EELing Shao, Hao Hu, Gerard de Haan: Coding Artifacts Robust Resolution Up-conversion. ICIP (5) 2007: 409-412
14EEIhor O. Kirenko, Ling Shao: Local Objective Metrics of Blocking Artifacts Visibility for Adaptive Repair of Compressed Video Signals. ICME 2007: 1303-1306
13EELing Shao, Harm van der Heijden: Integrated Image Enhancement and Artifacts Reduction Based on Frequency Bands Manipulation. ICME 2007: 292-295
12EELing Shao, Meng Zhao: Order Statistic Filters for Image Interpolation. ICME 2007: 452-455
11EEIhor O. Kirenko, René J. van der Vleuten, Ling Shao: Optimizing Scalable Video Compression for Efficient Implementation on a VLIW Media Processor. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 9(2): 429-434 (2007)
10EELing Shao, Timor Kadir, Michael Brady: Geometric and photometric invariant distinctive regions detection. Inf. Sci. 177(4): 1088-1122 (2007)
9EELing Shao: Partial Volume Compensated Reconstruction of Three-dimensional Mass Shapes in Mammographic Images. J. Digital Imaging 20(2): 191-195 (2007)
8EEQing Wang, Zhenbo Zhu, Yi Ge, Ling Shao: Design of IP Media Server for Voice Conference Application. APCCAS 2006: 1899-1902
7EEIhor O. Kirenko, Remco Muijs, Ling Shao: Coding Artifact Reduction using Non-Reference Block Grid Visibility Measure. ICME 2006: 469-472
6EELin Luo, Jun Liu, Ling Shao, Wei Lu, Meng Ye: A context-aware smart-call-center solution: Improving customer service for online games. IBM Systems Journal 45(1): 145-160 (2006)
5EELing Shao, Michael Brady: Invariant salient regions based image retrieval under viewpoint and illumination variations. J. Visual Communication and Image Representation 17(6): 1256-1272 (2006)
4EELing Shao, Michael Brady: Specific object retrieval based on salient regions. Pattern Recognition 39(10): 1932-1948 (2006)
3EELing Shao, Michael Brady: Three-Dimensional Mass Reconstruction in Mammography. ECCV Workshops CVAMIA and MMBIA 2004: 246-256
2 Jian Zhang, Ling Shao, Dong Xie: Architecture of a novel DRM system. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2004: 78-83
1EEZiqing Mao, Rong Yan, Ling Shao, Dong Xie: An Error Resilience Scheme for Packet Loss Recover of H.264 Video. PCM (2) 2004: 975-984

Coauthor Index

1Michael Brady (J. Michael Brady) [3] [4] [5] [10]
2Yi Ge [8]
3Gerard de Haan [15] [18]
4Harm van der Heijden [13]
5Hao Hu [15]
6Timor Kadir [10]
7Ihor O. Kirenko [7] [11] [14] [16]
8Zhiyong Liang [17]
9Jun Liu [6]
10Wei Lu [6]
11Lin Luo [6]
12Ziqing Mao [1]
13Remco Muijs [7]
14René J. van der Vleuten [11]
15Qing Wang [8]
16Kwan-Yee Kenneth Wong [19]
17Dong Xie [1] [2]
18Wei Xue [17]
19Rong Yan [1]
20Bo Yang [17]
21Meng Ye [6]
22Hui Zhang [18] [19]
23Jian Zhang [2]
24Meng Zhao [12]
25Yixin Zhao [17]
26Zhenbo Zhu [8]
27Jia Zou [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)