
Jun Shao

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20EEXiaohui Liang, Zhenfu Cao, Huang Lin, Jun Shao: Attribute based proxy re-encryption with delegating capabilities. ASIACCS 2009: 276-286
19EEJun Shao, Zhenfu Cao: CCA-Secure Proxy Re-encryption without Pairings. Public Key Cryptography 2009: 357-376
18EEChunyang Hu, Yongwang Zhao, Dianfu Ma, Xiaoliang Sun, Jun Shao, Xuan Li: Collaborative geospatial web services for multi-dimension remote sensing data. ICDIM 2008: 456-463
17EEHuang Lin, Zhenfu Cao, Xiaohui Liang, Jun Shao: Secure Threshold Multi Authority Attribute Based Encryption without a Central Authority. INDOCRYPT 2008: 426-436
16EERongxing Lu, Xiaodong Lin, Zhenfu Cao, Jun Shao, Xiaohui Liang: New (t, n) threshold directed signature scheme with provable security. Inf. Sci. 178(3): 756-765 (2008)
15EEJun Shao, Zhenfu Cao, Licheng Wang, Rongxing Lu: Efficient Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange Without Public Information. ESORICS 2007: 299-310
14EEJun Shao, Brian T. Davis: A Burst Scheduling Access Reordering Mechanism. HPCA 2007: 285-294
13EEXiaohui Liang, Zhenfu Cao, Jun Shao, Huang Lin: Short Group Signature Without Random Oracles. ICICS 2007: 69-82
12EEJun Shao, Zhenfu Cao, Licheng Wang, Xiaohui Liang: Proxy Re-signature Schemes Without Random Oracles. INDOCRYPT 2007: 197-209
11EELihua Wang, Jun Shao, Zhenfu Cao, Masahiro Mambo, Akihiro Yamamura: A Certificate-Based Proxy Cryptosystem with Revocable Proxy Decryption Power. INDOCRYPT 2007: 297-311
10EEJun Shao, Min Feng, Bin Zhu, Zhenfu Cao: An Efficient Certified Email Protocol. ISC 2007: 145-157
9EEJun Shao, Zhenfu Cao, Rongxing Lu: Improvement of Yang et al.'s threshold proxy signature scheme. Journal of Systems and Software 80(2): 172-177 (2007)
8EELizheng Zhang, Jun Shao, Charlie Chung-Ping Chen: Non-gaussian statistical parameter modeling for SSTA with confidence interval analysis. ISPD 2006: 33-38
7EEXiaochuan Chen, Jun Shao, Zhongxu Tian: Family Cars' Life Cycle Cost (LCC) Estimation Model Based on the Neural Network Ensemble. PROLAMAT 2006: 610-618
6EEJun Shao, Zhenfu Cao: A traceable threshold signature scheme with multiple signing policies. Computers & Security 25(3): 201-206 (2006)
5EEJun Shao, Zhenfu Cao, Rongxing Lu: An improved deniable authentication protocol. Networks 48(4): 179-181 (2006)
4EEJun Shao, Brian T. Davis: The Bit-reversal SDRAM Address Mapping. SCOPES 2005: 62-71
3EEJun Shao, Zhenfu Cao: A new efficient (t, n) verifiable multi-secret sharing (VMSS) based on YCH scheme. Applied Mathematics and Computation 168(1): 135-140 (2005)
2EEJin Wang, J. Sunil Rao, Jun Shao: Weighted Jackknife-after-Bootstrap: A Heuristic Approach. Winter Simulation Conference 1997: 240-245
1 Jun Shao, Qingda Yao: A Knowledge-Based Query Optimization System. DS-3 1988: 557-566

Coauthor Index

1Zhenfu Cao [3] [5] [6] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [15] [16] [17] [19] [20]
2Charlie Chung-Ping Chen (Chung-Ping Chen) [8]
3Xiaochuan Chen [7]
4Brian T. Davis [4] [14]
5Min Feng [10]
6Chunyang Hu [18]
7Xuan Li [18]
8Xiaohui Liang [12] [13] [16] [17] [20]
9Huang Lin [13] [17] [20]
10Xiaodong Lin [16]
11Rongxing Lu [5] [9] [15] [16]
12Dianfu Ma [18]
13Masahiro Mambo [11]
14J. Sunil Rao [2]
15Xiaoliang Sun [18]
16Zhongxu Tian [7]
17Jin Wang [2]
18Licheng Wang [12] [15]
19Lihua Wang [11]
20Akihiro Yamamura [11]
21Qingda Yao [1]
22Lizheng Zhang [8]
23Yongwang Zhao [18]
24Bin Zhu [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)