
Arash Shaban-Nejad

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9EEArash Shaban-Nejad, Volker Haarslev: Ontology-inferred phylogeny reconstruction for analyzing the evolutionary relationships between species: Ontological inference versus cladistics. BIBE 2008: 1-7
8EEArash Shaban-Nejad, Volker Haarslev: An ontology-empowered model for annotating protein-protein interaction data: a case study for budding yeast. IRI 2008: 357-362
7EEArash Shaban-Nejad, Volker Haarslev: Web-based dynamic learning through lexical chaining: a step forward towards knowledge-driven education. ITiCSE 2008: 375
6EEArash Shaban-Nejad, Volker Haarslev: Incremental Biomedical Ontology Change Management through Learning Agents. KES-AMSTA 2008: 526-535
5EEArash Shaban-Nejad, Volker Haarslev: Categorical Representation of Evolving Structure of an Ontology for Clinical Fungus. AIME 2007: 277-286
4EEArash Shaban-Nejad, Volker Haarslev: Managing Conceptual Revisions in a Temporal Fungal Taxonomy. CBMS 2007: 624-632
3EEArash Shaban-Nejad, Volker Haarslev: Towards a framework for requirement change management in healthcare software applications. OOPSLA Companion 2007: 807-808
2EEChristopher Baker, Arash Shaban-Nejad, Xiao Su, Volker Haarslev, Greg Butler: Semantic web infrastructure for fungal enzyme biotechnologists. J. Web Sem. 4(3): 168-180 (2006)
1EEArash Shaban-Nejad, Christopher Baker, Volker Haarslev, Greg Butler: The FungalWeb Ontology: Semantic Web Challenges in Bioinformatics and Genomics. International Semantic Web Conference 2005: 1063-1066

Coauthor Index

1Christopher Baker [1] [2]
2Gregory Butler (Greg Butler) [1] [2]
3Volker Haarslev [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
4Xiao Su [2]

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