
Svetlana A. Shabalina

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6EESvetlana A. Shabalina, Alexey N. Spiridonov, Aleksey Y. Ogurtsov: Computational models with thermodynamic and composition features improve siRNA design. BMC Bioinformatics 7: 65 (2006)
5EEAleksey Y. Ogurtsov, Svetlana A. Shabalina, Alexey S. Kondrashov, Mikhail A. Roytberg: Analysis of internal loops within the RNA secondary structure in almost quadratic time. Bioinformatics 22(11): 1317-1324 (2006)
4EEOlga V. Matveeva, Brian T. Foley, Vladimir A. Nemtsov, Raymond F. Gesteland, Senya Matsufuji, John F. Atkins, Aleksey Y. Ogurtsov, Svetlana A. Shabalina: Identification of regions in multiple sequence alignments thermodynamically suitable for targeting by consensus oligonucleotides: application to HIV genome. BMC Bioinformatics 5: 44 (2004)
3 Mikhail A. Roytberg, Aleksey Y. Ogurtsov, Svetlana A. Shabalina, Alexey S. Kondrashov: A hierarchical approach to aligning collinear regions of genomes. Bioinformatics 18(12): 1673-1680 (2002)
2 Aleksey Y. Ogurtsov, Mikhail A. Roytberg, Svetlana A. Shabalina, Alexey S. Kondrashov: OWEN: aligning long collinear regions of genomes. Bioinformatics 18(12): 1703-1704 (2002)
1 N. N. Nazipova, Svetlana A. Shabalina, Aleksey Y. Ogurtsov, Alexey S. Kondrashov, Mikhail A. Roytberg, G. V. Buryakov, S. E. Vernoslov: SAMSON: a software package for the biopolymer primary structure analysis. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 11(4): 423-426 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1John F. Atkins [4]
2G. V. Buryakov [1]
3Brian T. Foley [4]
4Raymond F. Gesteland [4]
5Alexey S. Kondrashov [1] [2] [3] [5]
6Senya Matsufuji [4]
7Olga V. Matveeva [4]
8N. N. Nazipova [1]
9Vladimir A. Nemtsov [4]
10Aleksey Y. Ogurtsov [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
11Mikhail A. Roytberg [1] [2] [3] [5]
12Alexey N. Spiridonov [6]
13S. E. Vernoslov [1]

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