
Shmuel Sever

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6 Shmuel Sever, Eli Simon: The Economics of the Virtual Library in Israel. Essen Symposium 1995: 39-50
5 Shmuel Sever, Cecilia H. Harel: Managing the Virtual Library: Issues and Challenges. Essen Symposium 1994: 369-382
4 Shmuel Sever: "Free" or "Fee" Information Resources in Libraries - The Case of Small and/or Developing Countries. Essen Symposium 1990: 81-93
3 Shmuel Sever, Yosef Branse: The Use of Microcomputers in Israeli Public Libraries. Essen Symposium 1989: 103-112
2 Shmuel Sever: CD-Rom and Bridging of Cultural and Technological Gaps in Developing Countries. Essen Symposium 1988: 13-28
1 Shmuel Sever: An Informal Cataloging Network. Essen Symposium 1984: 77-88

Coauthor Index

1Yosef Branse [3]
2Cecilia H. Harel [5]
3Eli Simon [6]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)