Ahmed Hebni Helal,
Joachim W. Weiss (Eds.):
Information Superhighway:
The Role of Librarians,
Information Scientists,
and Intermediaries. 17th International Essen Symposium,
24-27 October 1994,
Festschrift in honor of F. W. Lancaster,
Universitäsbibliothek Essen,
Veröffentlichungen der Universitäsbibliothek Essen 18,
ISBN 3-922602-19-3
- Sheila Corrall:
Information Specialists of the Future: Professional Development and Renewal.
1-11 BibTeX
- Michel Bauwens:
Cyberspace, Virtualization, and the Role of Cybrarians (Abstract).
12 BibTeX
- Johan C. de Vries, Leo D. Minnigh:
Information Specialists in the Future Academic Library: Flexible Tightrope Walkers.
13-26 BibTeX
- William Goodrich Jones:
Have Librarians Failed Librarianship? A Reply to Lancaster.
27-46 BibTeX
- Herbert S. White:
The Role of Information Intermediaries and the Superhighway: Crucial, Important, Trivial, or Non-Existent?
47-60 BibTeX
- Greg Anderson:
MIT - The Distributed Library Initiative: Collaboration, Vision, Prototyping.
61-89 BibTeX
- John Lawrence Eyre:
The ELISE Project: Visual Information Retrieval and Delivery.
90-107 BibTeX
- Joan M. Day, Catherine Edwards, Graham Walton:
IMPEL: A Research Project into the Impact on People of Electronic Libraries - Stage one - Librarians.
108-116 BibTeX
- Alex V. Sijtsma:
The MECANO System: A Mechanism to Automatic Comparison of CD-ROM Answers with OPACs.
117-123 BibTeX
- Reinhard Nedela:
Managing CD Changers of 6-777 CDs or a Multiple of that with PeriLIB Library Controller.
124-130 BibTeX
- Gerold Ritter:
CD-ROM Server in the Internet.
131-133 BibTeX
- Andrew G. Torok:
Technological Speedtraps on the Information Superhighway.
134-147 BibTeX
- Suzanne Fedunok:
Internet One: The Binghamton Univerity Libraries' Interface to the Internet.
148-163 BibTeX
- Lisbeth Björklund, Roland Hjerppe, Andreas Björklind:
Highways and Backroads of Internet: Strategies and Tactics.
164-178 BibTeX
- Kathleen T. Bivins Noerr:
Information Superhighway in Singapore (Abstract).
179 BibTeX
- Christine Bossmeyer, Bernd Luchner:
DBV OSI II: Open Communication between Library and Information Retrieval Systems.
180-193 BibTeX
- Titia van der Werf-Davelaar:
Organizing Fileservers on the Internet: Role of the Library.
194-206 BibTeX
- F. W. Lancaster:
Networked Electronic Publishing of the Results of Scholary Research.
207-225 BibTeX
- Christiaan C. P. Kluiters:
CAPCAS as a Route to the Digital Library.
226-231 BibTeX
- Thomas W. Place:
From Online Contents to Online Articles: Developing New Library Services at Tilburg University.
232-242 BibTeX
- Janet Mitchell, Per Halberg:
End-User Searching and Document Ordering: The Experience with the OCLC FirstSearch Service.
243-254 BibTeX
- Robert Simon:
ALEPH: New Approach to Library System's Architecture.
255-261 BibTeX
- Maurice B. Line:
Who Pays for Information? And Why should They?
262-275 BibTeX
- Alex C. Klugkist:
Open Library Networking and Interlibrary Cooperation.
276-286 BibTeX
- David Stoker, Alison Cooke:
Evaluation of Networked Information Sources.
287-312 BibTeX
- Stephen Richard:
Driver Education for the Superhighway: C.A.L. for End USers.
313-324 BibTeX
- Paul Nieuwenhuysen:
Development of Slides about Information Retrieval, Using a Presentation Software Package.
325-336 BibTeX
- Anthony M. Angiletta:
Collection Development in the Large American Research Library: At an End or at a Beginning?
337-348 BibTeX
- Kathryn Arnold:
User Aspects of the ELINOR Electronic Library.
349-359 BibTeX
- Beth Sandore:
Remote Use of the Virtual Library: End Users Needs (Abstract).
360 BibTeX
- Sigrid Reinitzer:
The Function of a Traditional Library as a Virtual Library: A Comparison.
361-368 BibTeX
- Shmuel Sever, Cecilia H. Harel:
Managing the Virtual Library: Issues and Challenges.
369-382 BibTeX
- Irene Sever:
Academic Library Users and Electronic Retrieval Systems.
383-394 BibTeX
- Jenny Walton:
Information Superhighway: The Role of Librarians, Information Scientists, and Intermediaries - Conference Summary.
395-401 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:10:53 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)