
Fabrizio Sestini

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10EEFabrizio Sestini, Thierry Van der Pyl: Future and emerging technologies: a vision for tomorrow of EU IST research. Computer Communication Review 35(2): 87-90 (2005)
9EEIoannis Stavrakakis, Fabrizio Sestini: Panel Report: "Main Principles to Guide R&D in Algorithms, Protocols and Middleware". WAC 2004: 269-270
8EEFrancesco Delli Priscoli, Fabrizio Sestini: Control of the Interworking Between Packet Reservation Multiple Access and Dynamic Carrier Allocation. IJWIN 11(1): 1-18 (2004)
7 Francesco Delli Priscoli, Nicola Pio Magnani, Valerio Palestini, Fabrizio Sestini: Enhancing the Performance of a Second Generation Cellular Network in a Realistic GSM Environment. ICC (1) 1997: 86-90
6 Francesco Delli Priscoli, Nicola Pio Magnani, Valerio Palestini, Fabrizio Sestini: Application of Dynamic Channel Allocation Strategies to the GSM Cellular Network. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 15(8): 1558-1567 (1997)
5EEFabrizio Sestini: Recursive copy generation for multicast ATM switching. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 5(3): 329-335 (1997)
4 Francesco Delli Priscoli, Fabrizio Sestini: Effects of Imperfect Power Control and User Mobility on a CDMA Cellular Network. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 14(9): 1809-1817 (1996)
3 Andrea Baiocchi, Fabrizio Sestini: Near-optimality of distributed load-adaptive dynamic channel allocation strategies for cellular mobile networks. Wireless Networks 2(2): 129-142 (1996)
2 Andrea Baiocchi, Francesco Delli Priscoli, Francesco Grilli, Fabrizio Sestini: The Geometric Dynamic Channel Allocation Strategy for High Traffic FDM/TDMA Mobile Communications Networks. Mobile Communications 1994: 33-44
1 Roberto Cusani, Fabrizio Sestini: A Recursive Multistage Structure for Multicast ATM Switching. INFOCOM 1991: 1289-1295

Coauthor Index

1Andrea Baiocchi [2] [3]
2Roberto Cusani [1]
3Francesco Grilli [2]
4Nicola Pio Magnani [6] [7]
5Valerio Palestini [6] [7]
6Francesco Delli Priscoli [2] [4] [6] [7] [8]
7Thierry Van der Pyl [10]
8Ioannis Stavrakakis [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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