
Yongwon Seo

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4EEJongeun Cha, Yongwon Seo, Yeongmi Kim, Jeha Ryu: An Authoring/Editing Framework for Haptic Broadcasting: Passive Haptic Interactions using MPEG-4 BIFS. WHC 2007: 274-279
3EEYo-An Lim, Yongwon Seo, Jeha Ryu: A Wearable 3-DOF Wire-driven Force Feedback Device. WHC 2007: 379-384
2EESungwon Jung, Yongwon Seo, Chankwon Park, Jinwoo Park: Reorder Decision System Based on the Concept of the Order Risk Using Neural Networks. AIS 2004: 61-70
1EEYongwon Seo, Sungwon Jung, Juho Hahm: Optimal reorder decision utilizing centralized stock information in a two-echelon distribution system. Computers & OR 29(2): 171-193 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Jongeun Cha [4]
2Juho Hahm [1]
3Sungwon Jung [1] [2]
4Yeongmi Kim [4]
5Yo-An Lim [3]
6Chankwon Park [2]
7Jinwoo Park [2]
8Jeha Ryu [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)