
Arijit Sengupta

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17 Arpit Mittal, Arijit Sengupta: Optimized Layout for Keypad Entry System. ESA 2007: 127-133
16 Arijit Sengupta, Arpit Mittal: Managing Distributed Ontologies using Chord protocol. Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies 2007: 218-220
15EESriram Mohan, Arijit Sengupta, Yuqing Wu: A Rewrite Based Approach for Enforcing Access Constraints for XML. KES (3) 2007: 1081-1089
14EEHenry M. Kim, Arijit Sengupta, Joerg Evermann: MOQ: Web services ontologies for QoS and general quality evaluations. IJMSO 2(3): 195-200 (2007)
13EEHenry M. Kim, Arijit Sengupta, Mark S. Fox, Mehmet M. Dalkilic: A Measurement Ontology Generalizable for Emerging Domain Applications on the Semantic Web. J. Database Manag. 18(1): 20-42 (2007)
12EESriram Mohan, Jonathan Klinginsmith, Arijit Sengupta, Yuqing Wu: ACXESS - Access Control for XML with Enhanced Security Specifications. ICDE 2006: 171
11EESriram Mohan, Arijit Sengupta, Yuqing Wu: Access control for XML: a dynamic query rewriting approach. CIKM 2005: 251-252
10EEHenry M. Kim, Arijit Sengupta, Joerg Evermann: MOQ: Web Services Ontologies for QOS and General Quality Evaluations. ECIS 2005
9EEMehmet M. Dalkilic, Arijit Sengupta: Design and evaluation of CATPA: curation and alignment tool for protein analysis. SAC 2005: 190-194
8EEMehmet M. Dalkilic, Arijit Sengupta: Circle: design and implementation of a classifier based on circuit minimization. SAC 2005: 547-548
7EEMehmet M. Dalkilic, Arijit Sengupta: A logic-theoretic classifier called Circle. ICARCV 2004: 1043-1048
6EESriram Mohan, Arijit Sengupta: DocBase - The INEX Evaluation Experience. INEX 2004: 261-275
5EEArijit Sengupta, Mehmet M. Dalkilic, James C. Costello: Semantic thumbnails: a novel method for summarizing document collections. SIGDOC 2004: 45-51
4EEArijit Sengupta, Mehmet M. Dalkilic: DSQL - An SQL for Structured Documents. CAiSE 2002: 757-760
3 Arijit Sengupta, David C. Wilson, David B. Leake: Constructing and Transforming CBR Implementations: Techniques for Corporate Memory Management. ICCBR Workshops 1999: 9-18
2EEArijit Sengupta, Andrew Dillon: Query by Templates: A Generalized Approach for Visual Query Formulation for Text Dominated Databases. ADL 1997: 36-47
1 Arijit Sengupta, Andrew Dillon: Extending SGML to Accommodate Database Functions: A Methodological Overview. JASIS 48(7): 629-637 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1James C. Costello [5]
2Mehmet M. Dalkilic [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [13]
3Andrew Dillon [1] [2]
4Joerg Evermann [10] [14]
5Mark S. Fox [13]
6Henry M. Kim [10] [13] [14]
7Jonathan Klinginsmith [12]
8David B. Leake [3]
9Arpit Mittal [16] [17]
10Sriram Mohan [6] [11] [12] [15]
11David C. Wilson [3]
12Yuqing Wu [11] [12] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)