
Takashi Sekiguchi

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3EEYoshitaka Hara, Kuniyuki Suzuki, Koji Kaneko, Takashi Sekiguchi: Radio Resource Management and Power Control for W-CDMA Uplink with High Data Rate Packet Transmission. IEICE Transactions 88-B(5): 2102-2109 (2005)
2 Adel Ben Mnaouer, Takashi Sekiguchi, Yasumasa Fujii, Toru Ito, Haruki Tanaka: Colored Petri Nets Based Modelling and Simulation of the Static and Dynamic Allocation Policies of the Asynchronous Bandwidth in the Fieldbus Protocol. Application of Petri Nets to Communication Networks 1999: 93-130
1EEArio Ohsato, Takashi Sekiguchi: Convexly combined fuzzy relational equations and several aspects of their application to fuzzy information processing. Inf. Sci. 45(2): 275-313 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Yasumasa Fujii [2]
2Yoshitaka Hara [3]
3Toru Ito [2]
4Koji Kaneko [3]
5Adel Ben Mnaouer [2]
6Ario Ohsato [1]
7Kuniyuki Suzuki [3]
8Haruki Tanaka [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)