
Ario Ohsato

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7EELuong Duc Long, Ario Ohsato: Fuzzy Activity Network Method for Project Scheduling Under Resource Constraints. JACIII 11(8): 914-921 (2007)
6EEBusaba Phruksaphanrat, Ario Ohsato: Linear Coordination Method For Fuzzy Multi-Objective Linear Programming Problems With Convex Polyhedral Membership Functions. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 12(3): 269-286 (2004)
5EEIzumi Suzuki, Yoshiki Mikami, Ario Ohsato, Yoshihide Chubachi: A language and character set determination method based on N-gram statistics. ACM Trans. Asian Lang. Inf. Process. 1(3): 269-278 (2002)
4EENguyen Hoang Phuong, Nguyen Ba Tu, Ario Ohsato: Developing Case-based Reasoning System for Medical Consultation Using the Importance of Features. JACIII 6(1): 41-50 (2002)
3EEBusaba Phruksaphanrat, Ario Ohsato: Effective Linear Calculational Method for Nonlinear Optimization with a Convex Polyhedral Objective Function and Linear Constraints. JACIII 6(1): 7-18 (2002)
2EEIzumi Suzuki, Ario Ohsato: Fuzzy Identification of the User's Requirements in the Human Interface of Man-Machine Systems by the Global Learning Method. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 7(4): 415-422 (1999)
1EEArio Ohsato, Takashi Sekiguchi: Convexly combined fuzzy relational equations and several aspects of their application to fuzzy information processing. Inf. Sci. 45(2): 275-313 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Yoshihide Chubachi [5]
2Luong Duc Long [7]
3Yoshiki Mikami [5]
4Busaba Phruksaphanrat [3] [6]
5Nguyen Hoang Phuong [4]
6Takashi Sekiguchi [1]
7Izumi Suzuki [2] [5]
8Nguyen Ba Tu [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)