
Maria-Teresa Segarra

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10EEAn Phung-Khac, Antoine Beugnard, Jean-Marie Gilliot, Maria-Teresa Segarra: Model-driven development of component-based adaptive distributed applications. SAC 2008: 2186-2191
9EEJacques Mossière, Edward Curry, Abdelkrim Beloued, Jean-Marie Gilliot, Françoise André, Maria-Teresa Segarra, Vladimir Dyo, Etienne Antoniutti Di Muro, Michael A. Jaeger: Works In Progress. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 7(2): (2006)
8EEMahmoud Ghorbel, Maria-Teresa Segarra, Jérome Kerdreux, Andre Thepaut, Mounir Mokhtari: Networking and Communication in Smart Home for People with Disabilities. ICCHP 2004: 937-944
7EEMaria-Teresa Segarra, Françoise André: Un modèle de composants pour l'adaptation dynamique à l'environnement. L'OBJET 8(1-2): 217-229 (2002)
6EEJacques Malenfant, Maria-Teresa Segarra, Françoise André: Dynamic Adaptability: The MolèNE Experiment. Reflection 2001: 110-117
5EEFrançoise André, Maria-Teresa Segarra: A Generic Approach to Satisfy Adaptability Needs in Mobile Environments. HICSS 2000
4EEFrederic Le Mouel, Maria-Teresa Segarra, Françoise André: Improving Mobile Computing Performance by Using an Adaptive Distribution Framework. HiPC 2000: 479-488
3EEMaria-Teresa Segarra, Françoise André: A Framework for Dynamic Adaptation in Wireless Environments. TOOLS (33) 2000: 336-347
2EEMaria-Teresa Segarra, Françoise André: MFS: A Mobile File System Using Generic System Services. SAC 1999: 419-420
1 Françoise André, Christine Morin, Maria-Teresa Segarra: Mechanisms for Global Processor and Memory Management on a NoW. HPCN Europe 1998: 324-336

Coauthor Index

1Françoise André [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9]
2Abdelkrim Beloued [9]
3Antoine Beugnard [10]
4Edward Curry [9]
5Vladimir Dyo [9]
6Mahmoud Ghorbel [8]
7Jean-Marie Gilliot [9] [10]
8Michael A. Jaeger [9]
9Jérome Kerdreux [8]
10Jacques Malenfant [6]
11Mounir Mokhtari [8]
12Christine Morin [1]
13Jacques Mossière [9]
14Frédéric Le Mouël (Frederic Le Mouel) [4]
15Etienne Antoniutti Di Muro [9]
16An Phung-Khac [10]
17Andre Thepaut [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)