
Etienne Antoniutti Di Muro

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5EEAlberto Bartoli, Milan Prica, Etienne Antoniutti Di Muro: A replication framework for program-to-program interaction across unreliable networks and its implementation in a servlet container. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 18(7): 701-724 (2006)
4EEJacques Mossière, Edward Curry, Abdelkrim Beloued, Jean-Marie Gilliot, Françoise André, Maria-Teresa Segarra, Vladimir Dyo, Etienne Antoniutti Di Muro, Michael A. Jaeger: Works In Progress. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 7(2): (2006)
3 Etienne Antoniutti Di Muro, David Ingham, Arnaud Simon: JMS clustering in ARJUNA message service: dependability, performance and manageability. IADIS AC 2005: 185-188
2 Etienne Antoniutti Di Muro: Performance and adaptability of replicated web services through message packing. IADIS AC 2005: 31-40
1EEAlberto Bartoli, Cosimo Calabrese, Milan Prica, Etienne Antoniutti Di Muro, Alberto Montresor: Adaptive Message Packing for Group Communication Systems. OTM Workshops 2003: 912-925

Coauthor Index

1Françoise André [4]
2Alberto Bartoli [1] [5]
3Abdelkrim Beloued [4]
4Cosimo Calabrese [1]
5Edward Curry [4]
6Vladimir Dyo [4]
7Jean-Marie Gilliot [4]
8David Ingham [3]
9Michael A. Jaeger [4]
10Alberto Montresor [1]
11Jacques Mossière [4]
12Milan Prica [1] [5]
13Maria-Teresa Segarra [4]
14Arnaud Simon [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)