
N. Luke Seed

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11EERaul Aquino-Santos, A. Edwards, R. M. Edwards, N. Luke Seed: Performance evaluation of routing protocols in vehicular ad-hoc networks. IJAHUC 1(1/2): 80-91 (2005)
10EES. Crossley, N. Luke Seed, Neil A. Thacker, Peter A. Ivey: Improving accuracy, robustness and computational efficiency in 3D computer vision. Image Vision Comput. 22(5): 399-412 (2004)
9EERaul Aquino-Santos, R. M. Edwards, N. Luke Seed: Using the cluster-based location routing (CBLR) algorithm for exchanging information on a motorway. MWCN 2002: 212-216
8 A. C. Zawada, N. Luke Seed, Peter A. Ivey: Continuous and high coverage self-testing of dynamically re-configurable systems. Parallel Computing 28(7-8): 1155-1178 (2002)
7 Mihai Munteanu, Peter A. Ivey, N. Luke Seed, Marios Psilogeorgopoulos, Neil Powell, Istvan Bogdan: Single Ended Pass-Transistor Logic - A Comparison with CMOS and CPL. VLSI 1999: 206-218
6EES. Crossley, Neil A. Thacker, N. Luke Seed: Benchmarking of Bootstrap Temporal Stereo using Statistical and Physical Scene Modelling. BMVC 1998
5EES. Crossley, A. J. Lacey, Neil A. Thacker, N. Luke Seed: Robust Stereo via Temporal Consistency. BMVC 1997
4EERichard A. Lane, Neil A. Thacker, N. Luke Seed, Peter A. Ivey: A Generalized Computer Vision Chip. Real-Time Imaging 2(4): 203-213 (1996)
3 J. Goodenough, R. J. Meacham, J. D. Morris, N. Luke Seed, Peter A. Ivey: A General Purpose, Single Chip Video Signal Processing (VSP) Architecture for Image Processing, Coding and Computer Vision. ICIP (3) 1994: 601-605
2 J. Goodenough, A. J. Shelley, N. Luke Seed: HART, A Heterogeneous Architecture for Real-Time Prototyping, Development and Implementation of Machine Vision Applications. ICIP (3) 1994: 678-680
1EERichard A. Lane, Neil A. Thacker, N. Luke Seed: Stretch-correlation as a real-time alternative to feature-based stereo matching algorithms. Image Vision Comput. 12(4): 203-212 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Raul Aquino-Santos [9] [11]
2Istvan Bogdan [7]
3S. Crossley [5] [6] [10]
4A. Edwards [11]
5R. M. Edwards [9] [11]
6J. Goodenough [2] [3]
7Peter A. Ivey [3] [4] [7] [8] [10]
8A. J. Lacey [5]
9Richard A. Lane [1] [4]
10R. J. Meacham [3]
11J. D. Morris [3]
12Mihai Munteanu [7]
13Neil Powell [7]
14Marios Psilogeorgopoulos [7]
15A. J. Shelley [2]
16Neil A. Thacker [1] [4] [5] [6] [10]
17A. C. Zawada [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)