
Jeff Sedayao

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9EEJeff Sedayao: Implementing and operating an internet scale distributed application using service oriented architecture principles and cloud computing infrastructure. iiWAS 2008: 417-421
8EESanjay Rungta, Alex Rentzis, Jeff Sedayao, Robert Adams, Paul Brett: Monitoring Internet Connectivity using PlanetLab. NOMS 2006
7EEPaul Brett, Mic Bowman, Jeff Sedayao, Robert Adams, Rob C. Knauerhase, Aaron Klingaman: Securing the PlanetLab Distributed Testbed: How to Manage Security in an Environment with No Firewalls, with All Users Having Root, and No Direct Physical Control of Any System. LISA 2004: 195-202
6EEStacy Purcell, Sally Hambridge, David Armstrong, Tod Oace, Matt Baker, Jeff Sedayao: Peer Certification: Techniques and Tools for Reducing System Admin Support Burdens While Improving Customer Service. LISA 2003: 105-114
5EECindy Bickerstaff, Ken True, Charles Smothers, Tod Oace, Jeff Sedayao, Clinton Wong: Don't Just Talk About the Weather - Manage It! A System for Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Internet Performance and Connectivity. Conference on Network Administration 1999: 11-23
4EESally Hambridge, Charles Smothers, Tod Oace, Jeff Sedayao: Just Type Make! Managing Internet Firewalls, Including Router Access Control Lists, Sendmail Configurations, DNS Databases, and OS Upgrades, Using Make and Other Publicly Available Utilities. Conference on Network Administration 1999: 39-47
3 Jeff Sedayao: World Wide Web Network Traffic Patterns. COMPCON 1995: 8-12
2EEJeff Sedayao, Kotaro Akita: LACHESIS: A Tool for Benchmarking Internet Service Providers. LISA 1995: 111-116
1EESally Hambridge, Jeff Sedayao: Horses and Barn Doors: Evolution of Corporate Guidelines for Internet Usage. LISA 1993

Coauthor Index

1Robert Adams [7] [8]
2Kotaro Akita [2]
3David Armstrong [6]
4Matt Baker [6]
5Cindy Bickerstaff [5]
6Mic Bowman [7]
7Paul Brett [7] [8]
8Sally Hambridge [1] [4] [6]
9Aaron Klingaman [7]
10Rob C. Knauerhase [7]
11Tod Oace [4] [5] [6]
12Stacy Purcell [6]
13Alex Rentzis [8]
14Sanjay Rungta [8]
15Charles Smothers [4] [5]
16Ken True [5]
17Clinton Wong [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)