
Philippe G. Schyns

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9EEPhilippe G. Schyns, Lucy S. Petro, Marie L. Smith: Inverse mapping the neuronal correlates of facial expression processing. FG 2008: 1-5
8EEAude Oliva, Antonio B. Torralba, Philippe G. Schyns: Hybrid images. ACM Trans. Graph. 25(3): 527-532 (2006)
7EESylvain Brugnot, Marie L. Smith, Philippe G. Schyns: Seamless perceptual morphing using continuous hybrids. APGV 2005: 154
6EEFrédéric Gosselin, Philippe G. Schyns: A picture is worth thousands of trials: rendering the use of visual information from spiking neurons to recognition. Cognitive Science 28(2): 141-146 (2004)
5EECéline Vinette, Frédéric Gosselin, Philippe G. Schyns: Spatio-temporal dynamics of face recognition in a flash: it's in the eyes. Cognitive Science 28(2): 289-301 (2004)
4EEValerie Goffaux, Boutheina Jemel, Corentin Jacques, Bruno Rossion, Philippe G. Schyns: ERP evidence for task modulations on face perceptual processing at different spatial scales. Cognitive Science 27(2): 313-325 (2003)
3EEPaul C. Quinn, Philippe G. Schyns: What goes up may come down: perceptual process and knowledge access in the organization of complex visual patterns by young infants. Cognitive Science 27(6): 923-935 (2003)
2 Philippe G. Schyns: Aspects of psychological computations in scene recognition. ESANN 1997
1 Philippe G. Schyns: A Modular Neural Network Model of Concept Acquisition. Cognitive Science 15(4): 461-508 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Sylvain Brugnot [7]
2Valerie Goffaux [4]
3Frédéric Gosselin [5] [6]
4Corentin Jacques [4]
5Boutheina Jemel [4]
6Aude Oliva [8]
7Lucy S. Petro [9]
8Paul C. Quinn [3]
9Bruno Rossion [4]
10Marie L. Smith [7] [9]
11Antonio B. Torralba [8]
12Céline Vinette [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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