
Loren Schwiebert

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32EEYong Xi, Weisong Shi, Loren Schwiebert: Mobile anonymity of dynamic groups in vehicular networks. Security and Communication Networks 1(3): 219-231 (2008)
31EEDeeksha Ganju, Loren Schwiebert: Using sound for monitoring wireless sensor network behavior. Middleware (Demos and Posters) 2007: 5
30EEFernando Martincic, Loren Schwiebert: Distributed Event Detection in Sensor Networks. ICSNC 2006: 43
29EEYong Xi, Loren Schwiebert, Weisong Shi: Preserving source location privacy in monitoring-based wireless sensor networks. IPDPS 2006
28EEQinghui Tang, Naveen Tummala, Sandeep K. S. Gupta, Loren Schwiebert: TARA: Thermal-Aware Routing Algorithm for Implanted Sensor Networks. DCOSS 2005: 206-217
27EEIoan Raicu, Loren Schwiebert, Scott Fowler, Sandeep K. S. Gupta: Local Load Balancing for Globally Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. IJDSN 1(2): 163-185 (2005)
26EEWeisong Shi, Sivakumar Sellamuthu, Kewei Sha, Loren Schwiebert: QueryAgent: A General Query Processing Tool for Sensor Networks. ICPP Workshops 2004: 488-495
25EEIoan Raicu, Owen Richter, Loren Schwiebert, Sherali Zeadally: Using Wireless Sensor Networks to Narrow the Gap between Low-Level Information and Context-Awareness CoRR cs.NI/0411039: (2004)
24EEIoan Raicu, Loren Schwiebert, Scott Fowler, Sandeep K. S. Gupta: e3D: An Energy-Efficient Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks CoRR cs.NI/0411043: (2004)
23EEManish Kochhal, Loren Schwiebert, Sandeep K. S. Gupta: Integrating Sensing Perspectives for Better Self Organization of Ad Hoc Wireless Sensor Networks. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 20(3): 449-475 (2004)
22EEManish Kochhal, Loren Schwiebert, Sandeep K. S. Gupta: Role-based hierarchical self organization for wireless ad hoc sensor networks. Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications 2003: 98-107
21EEFrank Adelstein, Golden G. Richard III, Loren Schwiebert: Distributed multicast tree generation with dynamic group membership. Computer Communications 26(10): 1105-1128 (2003)
20EED. N. Jayasimha, Loren Schwiebert, D. Manivannan, Jeff A. May: A foundation for designing deadlock-free routing algorithms in wormhole networks. J. ACM 50(2): 250-275 (2003)
19 Ioan Raicu, Owen Richter, Loren Schwiebert, Sherali Zeadally: Using Wireless Sensor Networks to Narrow the Gap Between Low-Level Information and Context-Awareness. Computers and Their Applications 2002: 209-214
18 Ayad Salhieh, Loren Schwiebert: Power Aware Metrics for Wireless Sensor Networks. IASTED PDCS 2002: 321-326
17EEChangli Jiao, Loren Schwiebert, Bin Xu: On Modeling the Packet Error Statistics in Bursty Channels. LCN 2002: 534-541
16EELoren Schwiebert: There is no optimal routing policy for the torus. Inf. Process. Lett. 83(6): 331-336 (2002)
15EELoren Schwiebert, Renelius Bell: Performance Tuning of Adaptive Wormhole Routing through Selection Function Choice. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 62(7): 1121-1141 (2002)
14EEAyad Salhieh, Jennifer Weinmann, Manish Kochhal, Loren Schwiebert: Power Efficient Topologies for Wireless Sensor Networks. ICPP 2001: 156-166
13EEChangli Jiao, Loren Schwiebert, Golden G. Richard III: Adaptive Header Compression for Wireless Networks. LCN 2001: 377-379
12EELoren Schwiebert, Sandeep K. S. Gupta, Jennifer Weinmann: Research challenges in wireless networks of biomedical sensors. MOBICOM 2001: 151-165
11EELoren Schwiebert: Deadlock-Free Oblivious Wormhole Routing with Cyclic Dependencies. IEEE Trans. Computers 50(9): 865-876 (2001)
10EELoren Schwiebert, Raghunath Chintalapati: Improved fault recovery for core based trees. Computer Communications 23(9): 816-824 (2000)
9EEFrank Adelstein, Golden G. Richard III, Loren Schwiebert: Building Dynamic Multicast Trees in Mobile Networks. ICPP Workshops 1999: 17-
8EEFrank Adelstein, Frederick A. Hosch, Golden G. Richard III, Loren Schwiebert: Bessie: Portable Generation of Network Topologies for Simulation. ICCCN 1998: 787-791
7EELoren Schwiebert: Deadlock-Free Oblivious Wormhole Routing with Cyclic Dependencies. SPAA 1997: 149-158
6 Loren Schwiebert, D. N. Jayasimha: A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Deadlock-Free Wormhole Routing. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 32(1): 103-117 (1996)
5EELoren Schwiebert, D. N. Jayasimha: A Universal Proof Technique for Deadlock-Free Routing in Interconnection Networks. SPAA 1995: 175-184
4 Loren Schwiebert, D. N. Jayasimha: Optimal Fully Adaptive Minimal Wormhole Routing for Meshes. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 27(1): 56-70 (1995)
3 Frank Adelstein, Golden G. Richard III, Loren Schwiebert, Rick Parent, Mukesh Singhal: A Distributed Graphics Library System. Softw., Pract. Exper. 24(4): 363-376 (1994)
2 Loren Schwiebert, D. N. Jayasimha: Mapping to Reduce Contention in Multiprocessor Architectures. IPPS 1993: 248-253
1EELoren Schwiebert, D. N. Jayasimha: Optimal fully adaptive wormhole routing for meshes. SC 1993: 782-791

Coauthor Index

1Frank Adelstein [3] [8] [9] [21]
2Renelius Bell [15]
3Raghunath Chintalapati [10]
4Scott Fowler [24] [27]
5Deeksha Ganju [31]
6Sandeep K. S. Gupta [12] [22] [23] [24] [27] [28]
7Frederick A. Hosch [8]
8D. N. Jayasimha [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [20]
9Changli Jiao [13] [17]
10Manish Kochhal [14] [22] [23]
11D. Manivannan [20]
12Fernando Martincic [30]
13Jeff A. May [20]
14Rick Parent [3]
15Ioan Raicu [19] [24] [25] [27]
16Golden G. Richard III [3] [8] [9] [13] [21]
17Owen Richter [19] [25]
18Ayad Salhieh [14] [18]
19Sivakumar Sellamuthu [26]
20Kewei Sha [26]
21Weisong Shi [26] [29] [32]
22Mukesh Singhal [3]
23Qinghui Tang [28]
24Naveen Tummala [28]
25Jennifer Weinmann [12] [14]
26Yong Xi [29] [32]
27Bin Xu [17]
28Sherali Zeadally [19] [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)