
Stephan Schwan

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5EESebastian Fischer, Stephan Schwan: Adaptively shortened pull down menus: location knowledge and selection efficiency. Behaviour & IT 27(5): 439-444 (2008)
4EEMarkus Huff, Stephan Schwan, Bärbel Garsoffky: The Spatial Representation of Dynamic Scenes - An Integrative Approach. Spatial Cognition 2006: 140-155
3EEStephan Schwan, Anton Knierzinger, Caroline Weigner: Getting Interactive Media into Schools. Information and Communication Technologies and Real-Life Learning 2004: 95-102
2 Andreas Auinger, Stephan Schwan, Christian Stary, Edmund Mielach: Evaluierung von selbstgesteuertem Wissenstransfer. DeLFI 2003: 361-371
1 Stephan Schwan, Friedrich W. Hesse: Communicating and Learning in "Virtual Seminars": The Uses of Spatial Metaphors in Interface Design. J. UCS 2(6): 503-513 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Andreas Auinger [2]
2Sebastian Fischer [5]
3Bärbel Garsoffky [4]
4Friedrich W. Hesse [1]
5Markus Huff [4]
6Anton Knierzinger [3]
7Edmund Mielach [2]
8Christian Stary [2]
9Caroline Weigner [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)