
William J. Schroeder

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17EESteve Pieper, William E. Lorensen, William J. Schroeder, Ron Kikinis: The NA-MIC Kit: ITK, VTK, pipelines, grids and 3D slicer as an open platform for the medical image computing community. ISBI 2006: 698-701
16EEWilliam J. Schroeder, François Bertel, Mathieu Malaterre, David Thompson, Philippe P. Pébay, Robert M. O'Bara, Saurabh Tendulkar: Methods and Framework for Visualizing Higher-Order Finite Elements. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 12(4): 446-460 (2006)
15EEWilliam J. Schroeder, François Bertel, Mathieu Malaterre, David Thompson, Philippe P. Pébay, Robert M. O'Bara, Saurabh Tendulkar: Framework for Visualizing Higher-Order Basis Functions. IEEE Visualization 2005: 6
14EEWilliam J. Schroeder, Berk Geveci, Mathieu Malaterre: Compatible Triangulations of Spatial Decompositions. IEEE Visualization 2004: 211-218
13 William J. Schroeder, Luis Ibáñez, Ken Martin: Software Process: The Key to Developing Robust, Reusable and Maintainable Open-Source Software. ISBI 2004: 648-651
12EEHanspeter Pfister, William E. Lorensen, Chandrajit L. Bajaj, Gordon L. Kindlmann, William J. Schroeder, Lisa Sobierajski Avila, Ken Martin, Raghu Machiraju, Jinho Lee: The Transfer Function Bake-Off. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 21(3): 16-22 (2001)
11EEHanspeter Pfister, William E. Lorensen, William J. Schroeder, Chandrajit L. Bajaj, Gordon L. Kindlmann: The transfer function bake-off (panel session). IEEE Visualization 2000: 523-526
10EEWilliam J. Schroeder, Lisa Sobierajski Avila, William Hoffman: Visualizing with VTK: A Tutorial. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 20(5): 20-27 (2000)
9 C. Charles Law, Ken Martin, William J. Schroeder, Joshua Temkin: A Multi-Threaded Streaming Pipeline Architecture for Large Structured Data Sets. IEEE Visualization 1999: 225-232
8EEYi-Jen Chiang, Cláudio T. Silva, William J. Schroeder: Interactive out-of-core isosurface extraction. IEEE Visualization 1998: 167-174
7EEWilliam J. Schroeder: A topology modifying progressive decimation algorithm. IEEE Visualization 1997: 205-212
6EELisa Sobierajski Avila, William J. Schroeder: Interactive visualization of aircraft and power generation engines. IEEE Visualization 1997: 483-486
5 William J. Schroeder, Ken Martin, William E. Lorensen: The Design and Implementation of an Object-Oriented Toolkit for 3D Graphics and Visualization. IEEE Visualization 1996: 93-100
4 William J. Schroeder, William E. Lorensen, Steve Linthicum: Implicit Modeling of Swept Surfaces and Volumes. IEEE Visualization 1994: 40-45
3 William J. Schroeder, William E. Lorensen, G. D. Montanaro, Christopher R. Volpe: VISAGE: An Object-Oriented Scientific Visualization System. IEEE Visualization 1992: 219-226
2EEWilliam J. Schroeder, Jonathan A. Zarge, William E. Lorensen: Decimation of triangle meshes. SIGGRAPH 1992: 65-70
1 William J. Schroeder, Christopher R. Volpe, William E. Lorensen: The Stream Polygon: A Technique for 3D Vector Field Visualization. IEEE Visualization 1991: 126-132

Coauthor Index

1Lisa Sobierajski Avila [6] [10] [12]
2Chandrajit L. Bajaj [11] [12]
3François Bertel [15] [16]
4Yi-Jen Chiang [8]
5Berk Geveci [14]
6William Hoffman [10]
7Luis Ibáñez [13]
8Ron Kikinis [17]
9Gordon L. Kindlmann [11] [12]
10C. Charles Law [9]
11Jinho Lee [12]
12Steve Linthicum [4]
13William E. Lorensen [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [11] [12] [17]
14Raghu Machiraju [12]
15Mathieu Malaterre [14] [15] [16]
16Ken Martin [5] [9] [12] [13]
17G. D. Montanaro [3]
18Robert M. O'Bara [15] [16]
19Philippe P. Pébay [15] [16]
20Hanspeter Pfister [11] [12]
21Steve Pieper [17]
22Cláudio T. Silva [8]
23Joshua Temkin [9]
24Saurabh Tendulkar [15] [16]
25David Thompson [15] [16]
26Christopher R. Volpe [1] [3]
27Jonathan A. Zarge [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)