
Wayne Schroeder

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8EEAndrea Weise, Michael Wan, Wayne Schroeder, Adil Hasan: Managing Groups of Files in a Rule Oriented Data Management System (iRODS). ICCS (3) 2008: 321-330
7EEReagan Moore, Sheau-Yen Chen, Wayne Schroeder, Arcot Rajasekar, Michael Wan, Arun Jagatheesan: Production Storage Resource Broker Data Grids. e-Science 2006: 147
6EEReagan Moore, Arun Jagatheesan, Arcot Rajasekar, Michael Wan, Wayne Schroeder: Data Grid Management Systems. MSST 2004: 1-15
5 Arcot Rajasekar, Michael Wan, Reagan Moore, Wayne Schroeder: Data Grid Federation. PDPTA 2004: 541-546
4 Wayne Schroeder, Richard Marciano, Joe Lopez, Michael Gleicher, George Kremenek, Chaitanya K. Baru, Reagan Moore: Analysis of HPSS Performance Based on Per-file Transfer Logs. IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems 1999: 103-115
3 Reagan Moore, Joe Lopez, Charles Lofton, Wayne Schroeder, George Kremenek: Configuring and Tuning Archival Storage Systems. IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems 1999: 158-168
2 Wayne Schroeder: The SDSC encryption/authentication (SEA) system. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 11(15): 913-931 (1999)
1EEMark Sheddon, Wayne Schroeder: Electronic consulting: software tools to enhance consulting at the San Diego Supercomputer Center. SIGUCCS 1991: 367-372

Coauthor Index

1Chaitanya K. Baru (Chaitan Baru) [4]
2Sheau-Yen Chen [7]
3Michael Gleicher [4]
4Adil Hasan [8]
5Arun Jagatheesan [6] [7]
6George Kremenek [3] [4]
7Charles Lofton [3]
8Joe Lopez [3] [4]
9Richard Marciano [4]
10Reagan Moore (Reagan W. Moore) [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
11Arcot Rajasekar [5] [6] [7]
12Mark Sheddon [1]
13Michael Wan [5] [6] [7] [8]
14Andrea Weise [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)