
Peter Schoo

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13EEAnand R. Prasad, Peter Schoo, Hu Wang: An Evolutionary Approach towards Ubiquitous Communications: A Security Perspective. SAINT Workshops 2004: 689-695
12EEMortaza S. Bargh, R. J. Hulsebosch, Henk Eertink, Anand R. Prasad, Hu Wang, Peter Schoo: Fast authentication methods for handovers between IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs. WMASH 2004: 51-60
11 Peter Schoo: Service Creation Techniques for Software Development and Deployment. IS&N 2000: 133-134
10 Tim O. Eckardt, Christian Egelhaaf, Peter Schoo: On the design of interworking reference points for information networking. DAIS 1999: 91-102
9EEPeter Schoo, Christian Egelhaaf, Tim O. Eckardt, Nazim Agoulmine, Michael Tschichholz: Modularization of TINA Reference Points for Information Networking. IS&N 1999: 446-458
8EEChristian Egelhaaf, Peter Schoo, A. Zisowsky, M. Fisher: Integration of a Legacy Application into a TINA Retailer Environment. ISADS 1999: 198-
7EEKlaus-Peter Eckert, Peter Schoo: Engineering Frameworks: A Prerequisite for the Design and Implementation of Distributed Enterprise Objects. EDOC 1997: 170-
6 M. Khayrat Durmosch, Christian Egelhaaf, Klaus-Dietric Engel, Peter Schoo: Design and Implementation of a Multimedia Communication Service in a Distributed Environment Based on the TINA-C Architecture. TreDS 1996: 108-121
5EEChristian Egelhaaf, Eckhard Moeller, Peter Schoo: Developing Distributed Multimedia Telecommunication Applications. IEEE MultiMedia 3(4): 76-81 (1996)
4 Hendrik Berndt, Martin D. Chapman, Peter Schoo, Ingmar Tönnby: A Comparison of Architectures for Future Telecommunication Services. IS&N 1995: 476-488
3EEPeter Schoo: Beyond intelligent networks. Computer Communications 18(11): 791-792 (1995)
2 Peter Schoo: Component Models and Service Creation - Introduction. IS&N 1994: 121-122
1 Peter Schoo, Ingmar Tönnby: The ROSA Object Model. Open Distributed Processing 1991: 291-300

Coauthor Index

1Nazim Agoulmine [9]
2Mortaza S. Bargh [12]
3Hendrik Berndt [4]
4Martin D. Chapman [4]
5M. Khayrat Durmosch [6]
6Tim O. Eckardt [9] [10]
7Klaus-Peter Eckert [7]
8Henk Eertink [12]
9Christian Egelhaaf [5] [6] [8] [9] [10]
10Klaus-Dietric Engel [6]
11M. Fisher [8]
12R. J. Hulsebosch (Bob Hulsebosch) [12]
13Eckhard Moeller [5]
14Anand R. Prasad [12] [13]
15Ingmar Tönnby [1] [4]
16Michael Tschichholz [9]
17Hu Wang [12] [13]
18A. Zisowsky [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)