
Eckhard Moeller

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10EEAlex Galis, Bernhard Plattner, Jonathan M. Smith, Spyros G. Denazis, Eckhard Moeller, Hui Guo, Cornel Klein, Joan Serrat, Jan Laarhuis, George T. Karetsos, Chris Todd: A Flexible IP Active Networks Architecture. IWAN 2000: 1-15
9 Berthold Butscher, Eckhard Moeller, Herwart Pusch: Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Services, European Workshop IDMS '96, Berlin, Germany, March 4-6, 1996, Proceedings Springer 1996
8EEChristian Egelhaaf, Eckhard Moeller, Peter Schoo: Developing Distributed Multimedia Telecommunication Applications. IEEE MultiMedia 3(4): 76-81 (1996)
7EEReinhard Baier, Eckhard Moeller, Angela Scheller: ODA implementation for multimedia teleservices. Computer Communications 18(12): 889-895 (1995)
6 Eckhard Moeller, Sanjay Manandhar, Luc Neumann, Johannes Rückert, Gerd Schürmann, Susan Thomas, Frieder Wolf: The BERKOM Multimedia-Mail Teleservice. Computer Communications 18(2): 89-102 (1995)
5EERüdiger Strack, Christof Blum, David A. Duce, Dale C. Sutcliffe, Narciso N. García, María José Pérez-Luque, Eckhard Moeller, Hauke Peyn: Image communication open architecture. Computers & Graphics 18(1): 21-34 (1994)
4 U. Holzmann-Kaiser, Eckhard Moeller, Gerd Schürmann, K. H. Weiss: A Guide for Advanced Broadband Multimedia Applications - The BERKOM Reference Model Application-Oriented Layers. GI Jahrestagung 1991: 376-388
3 Eckhard Moeller, Angela Scheller, Gerd Schürmann: Distributed Processing of Multimedia Information. ICDCS 1990: 588-590
2EEEckhard Moeller, Angela Scheller, Gerd Schürmann: Distributed multimedia information handling. Computer Communications 13(4): 232-242 (1990)
1 Eckhard Moeller, Gerd Schürmann: Multi-Media-Dokumente in Breitbandnetzen. Graphik im Bürobereich 1988: 21-38

Coauthor Index

1Reinhard Baier [7]
2Christof Blum [5]
3Berthold Butscher [9]
4Spyros G. Denazis [10]
5David A. Duce [5]
6Christian Egelhaaf [8]
7Alex Galis [10]
8Narciso N. García [5]
9Hui Guo [10]
10U. Holzmann-Kaiser [4]
11George T. Karetsos [10]
12Cornel Klein [10]
13Jan Laarhuis [10]
14Sanjay Manandhar [6]
15Luc Neumann [6]
16María José Pérez-Luque [5]
17Hauke Peyn [5]
18Bernhard Plattner [10]
19Herwart Pusch [9]
20Johannes Rückert [6]
21Angela Scheller [2] [3] [7]
22Peter Schoo [8]
23Gerd Schürmann [1] [2] [3] [4] [6]
24Joan Serrat [10]
25Jonathan M. Smith [10]
26Rüdiger Strack [5]
27Dale C. Sutcliffe [5]
28Susan Thomas [6]
29Chris Todd [10]
30K. H. Weiss [4]
31Frieder Wolf [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)