
Dale A. Schoenefeld

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22EED. Scott Crane, Roger L. Wainwright, Dale A. Schoenefeld: Scheduling of Multi-Product Fungible Liquid Pipelines Using Genetic Algorithms. SAC 1999: 280-285
21EEClarissa Cook, Dale A. Schoenefeld, Roger L. Wainwright: Finding rural postman tours. SAC 1998: 318-326
20EEDavid Cole, Roger L. Wainwright, Dale A. Schoenefeld: Using Java to develop Web based tutorials. SIGCSE 1998: 92-96
19EEHeather L. Christensen, Roger L. Wainwright, Dale A. Schoenefeld: A hybrid algorithm for the point to multipoint routing problem. SAC 1997: 263-268
18EEDale A. Schoenefeld: Object-oriented design and programming: an Eiffel, C++, and Java course for C programmers. SIGCSE 1997: 135-139
17EEOleg V. Verner, Roger L. Wainwright, Dale A. Schoenefeld: Placing Text Labels an Maps and Diagrams using Genetic Algorithms with Masking. INFORMS Journal on Computing 9(3): 266-275 (1997)
16 Kelly D. Crawford, Cory J. Hoelting, Roger L. Wainwright, Dale A. Schoenefeld: A Study of Fixed-Length Subset Recombination. FOGA 1996: 365-378
15EECory J. Hoelting, Dale A. Schoenefeld, Roger L. Wainwright: A genetic algorithm for the minimum broadcast time problem using a global precedence vector. SAC 1996: 258-262
14EEFaris N. Abuali, Roger L. Wainwright, Dale A. Schoenefeld: Solving the subset interconnection design problem using genetic algorithms. SAC 1996: 299-304
13EECory J. Hoelting, Dale A. Schoenefeld, Roger L. Wainwright: Finding investigator tours in telecommunication networks using genetic algorithms. SAC 1996: 82-87
12 Thomas Haynes, Roger L. Wainwright, Sandip Sen, Dale A. Schoenefeld: Strongly Typed Genetic Programming in Evolving Cooperation Strategies. ICGA 1995: 271-278
11 Faris N. Abuali, Roger L. Wainwright, Dale A. Schoenefeld: Determinant Factorization: A New Encoding Scheme for Spanning Trees Applied to the Probabilistic Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. ICGA 1995: 470-477
10EECory J. Hoelting, Dale A. Schoenefeld, Roger L. Wainwright: Approximation techniques for variations of the p-median problem. SAC 1995: 293-299
9EEFaris N. Abuali, Roger L. Wainwright, Dale A. Schoenefeld: Determinant factorization and cycle basis: encoding schemes for the representation of spanning trees on incomplete graphs. SAC 1995: 305-312
8EEFaris N. Abuali, Roger L. Wainwright, Dale A. Schoenefeld: Solving the three-star tree isomorphism problem using genetic algorithms. SAC 1995: 337-344
7EEFaris N. Abuali, Dale A. Schoenefeld, Roger L. Wainwright: Terminal Assignment in a Communications Network Using Genetic Algorithms. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1994: 74-81
6 Arthur L. Corcoran, Dale A. Schoenefeld: A Genetic Algorithm for File and Task Placement in a Distributed System. International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 1994: 340-344
5EEFaris N. Abuali, Dale A. Schoenefeld, Roger L. Wainwright: Designing telecommunications networks using genetic algorithms and probabilistic minimum spanning trees. SAC 1994: 242-246
4EEBruce A. Fogelsong, Schlumberger Dowell, Dale A. Schoenefeld: Graphics class library for plotting (GCLIP), an extensible, reusable graphics framework. SAC 1994: 64-69
3EECharles Prince, Roger L. Wainwright, Dale A. Schoenefeld, Travis Tull: GATutor: a graphical tutorial system for genetic algorithms. SIGCSE 1994: 203-207
2EEDale A. Schoenefeld, Roger L. Wainwright: Integration of discrete mathematics topics into the secondary mathematics curriculum using Mathematica: a summer institute for high school teachers. SIGCSE 1993: 78-82
1EERoger L. Wainwright, Dale A. Schoenefeld: Advanced placement-plus in computer science: a summer institute at the University of Tulsa. SIGCSE 1987: 84-91

Coauthor Index

1Faris N. Abuali [5] [7] [8] [9] [11] [14]
2Heather L. Christensen [19]
3David Cole [20]
4Clarissa Cook [21]
5Arthur L. Corcoran [6]
6D. Scott Crane [22]
7Kelly D. Crawford [16]
8Schlumberger Dowell [4]
9Bruce A. Fogelsong [4]
10Thomas Haynes [12]
11Cory J. Hoelting [10] [13] [15] [16]
12Charles Prince [3]
13Sandip Sen [12]
14Travis Tull [3]
15Oleg V. Verner [17]
16Roger L. Wainwright [1] [2] [3] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [19] [20] [21] [22]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)